07-15-1944, 2nd volume, no. 31, Page 2
07-15-1944, 2nd volume, no. 31, Page 3
07-15-1944, 2nd volume, no. 31, Page 4

cover / introduction

Leaflet Explosion

The Police Chief announces:
Recently, a fellow citizen found a package containing enemy propaganda material (bundles of leaflets) and was so careless as to touch it. As a result, the explosive charge inside the package, designed to scatter the leaflets after being dropped, detonated, causing him severe injuries. – Hamburger Fremdenblatt / April 16, 1944

The enemy is dropping leaflet material
In rapid quantities now,
The DNB gets quite fatally
More and more under pressure

It’s clear to the Goebbels gang,
Such bundles of leaflets
Present a fitting anti serum
Against the Nazi deception.

The people’s eyes were opened,
As far as they were still blinded,
The final stage is an endurance run,
Soon it will be finished.

The system must minimize
Such risk as much as possible,
And that’s why it seems agreeable to it,
To prevent reading.

Though reading is not simply and abruptly
Banned for you,
Because that would drive even
The greatest idiots crazy,

That this war is lost,
Completely and hopelessly lost,
Thus a different plan was found
And blown into your ears:

Never dare to touch
Such a leaflet with your hand.
The police announce today,
It could explode.

A fellow citizen was so foolish
To touch it recently,
My dear German audience,
He should have just left it alone.

Unfortunately, he was seriously injured,
May God have mercy on him,
And he’s now in the hospital,
How this poor guy suffers.

Let this example be proof to you,
Never be careless,
And curious and nosy,
Because such things are never right.

And never, never touch
The enemy pamphlets,
So that curiosity doesn’t end up
Killing you like that man.

The only thing you’ll experience from it,
Is injury and decay,
Those who don’t read them are spared
The ugly injury,

That this fellow citizen, who
Was curious, had to endure,
You should therefore, though it’s hard,
Avoid the enemy leaflets.

Yes, avoid them and just let yourselves
Be led by your Nazis,
The Reich is getting the final blow,
Soon it will explode.

Post-Editing: Sylvia Stawski, Ernst Sittig