07-22-1944, 2nd volume, no. 32, Page 4
07-22-1944, 2nd volume, no. 32, Page 5
07-22-1944, 2nd volume, no. 32, Page 6

cover / introduction table of contents

The German “Solidarity”

Headquarters of The Führer, July 20 (D.N.B.).
Today the Führer was attacked by a bomb. Of those close to him Lieutenant General Schmumdt, Colonel Brandt, and employee Berger were seriously wounded. Lighter injuries were sustained by Lieutenant General Jodl, Generals Korten, Buhle, Bodenschatz, Heusinger, Scherff, Admirals Voss, von Puttkamer, Captain zur See Assmann, and Lieutenant Colonel Borgmann. The Führer himself, suffered no injuries aside from minor burns and bruises. He promptly resumed his work and, according to the program, received the Duce for a fairly lengthy exchange of views. Shortly after the attack, the Reich Marshal arrived at the Führer’s side.

The Führer is only slightly wounded,
I think that is sad,
I’d love to see Hitler, this dog,
Explode into pieces.

I cherish, I think, not alone
Such hateful wishes,
Almost everyone wishes the same,
The wish of all people

Is, that if the case happens again,
They may aim better,
Your wish and my wish are certain,
May the attack succeed.

I find Graf von Stauffenberg
A sympathetic boy,
But I find his failure unfortunate,
I am convinced of that.

As an officer he definitely had to
Perform some better work,
Unfortunately, he missed his target,
But well, that can happen.

Yet there is perspective in the case,
You can trust in it,
However hard Himmler is on the watch,
He cannot stop it.

For whoever hears it and reads it,
They conclude,
In Germany, there is no Hitler spirit,
There is more opposition.

Things aren’t going well in Germany,
The people no longer want to fight,
They abhor and hate the swastika
And the Gestapo enslavers.

The Führer wears a bandage
And plasters on his wounds,
But he is no longer in connection with his country
And with his people.

He still relies on a small circle
Of the SS bandits,
The group is small in number,
It won’t end there.

Today, Hitler is lightly wounded,
But one can certainly say,
It won’t be long before the front
Lays down its weapons.

Post-Editing: Robert Saunders