08-23-1944, 2nd volume, no. 39, Page 2
08-23-1944, 2nd volume, no. 39, Page 3

cover / introduction

With Uncle Stalin (Hit Song)

There are still no significant news from the Eastern front. Only from the German side is reported that the Soviets are preparing everything for the major attack on the borders of East Prussia and that the fighting there has reached remarkable intensity in recent days. It is expected that the Bolsheviks will soon launch their definitive attack, during which the German defense forces will face a trial of strength unlike any German army has faced in this war. – 16-8-44

All the Nazis are mourning,
Fear runs through their bones,
For how much longer will it last
And then the time will come
And the East Prussian border
Will be crossed by the Russians,
I’ll be dancing Cossack dances,
Because then it’ll go smoothly

With Uncle Stalin,
We’re heading to Berlin,
The red pace is phenomenal,
And everyone is pleased,
The swastika is falling,
Even Adolf already senses,
It will be fatal.

Hermann Göring is trembling,
Joseph Goebbels is deathly pale,
For them, it’s gone awry,
Soon their reign will end.
Whether they deceive, whether they lie,
Saying they haven’t lost,
Today, the Nazi barbarism
Is in its final throes.


Dear people, let me tell you,
Adolf Hitler is struggling,
It’s a matter of days
Until the Baltic Sea is reached
By the Russian armies.
And he’s giving up the entire Ostland,
Soon it’ll be over for him,
Everyone feels and everyone knows.


Haven’t you woken up yet,
Are you still not awake?
Don’t you want to punish the bigwigs,
How much longer will you show yourselves weak?
Punish the bigwigs, punish the leader
Who brought you this far,
Finally resist their
Tyranny and arbitrary power.


Post-Editing: Sylvia Stawski, Ernst Sittig