08-23-1944, 2nd volume, no. 39, Page 4
08-23-1944, 2nd volume, no. 39, Page 5

cover / introduction table of contents

The New German Inventions

Technical lead over the enemy.
We have thus not only caught up with but also surpassed the lead that the enemy had in some sectors of war technology so far. The results of this development are still in the experimental stage for the smallest part, but for the largest part in the production stage. I would be ashamed to speak such language if the facts did not give me the right to do so. I have recently seen modern German weapons, at the sight of which my heart did not beat stronger, but stood still for a moment. We do not need the persuasive power of technology on its own to convince us of the certainty of the impending victory. We believe in it because we believe in the German people. But it is also joyful to see such certainty of views and perspectives confirmed by real facts. And that is more than once the case in the field of our armament production. The German inventiveness has passed its test of strength. We had to wait a long time until it spoke up again. Now it will be soon. The enemy is not over the mountain, as his leading figures always claim, but he is still in front of it. The development of the next weeks and months will show that. – 27-7-44

If one listens to Doctor Goebbels now,
One must almost believe,
Germany has overcome
Every difficulty in the past weeks.

According to his propaganda sounds
Many a fearsome weapon
Is due to German inventors
And is being produced en masse

The British and Americans
Whatever they come up with now
Quickly see their technical lead wane
And cannot win it

One knows V1 is really not a snack
But not comparable
With what is coming, it’s terrible, do you get it,
Brings plenty of dead bodies

And misfortune unbearable
To our opponents
An excess of a thousand plagues
Like nowhere else

And never before could one see it,
Soon it will appear,
All of Germany can rely on it,
On the inventors’ brains

Gigantic wonders were created
And Goebbels has – as he says –
Enjoyed the demonstration very much,
A comfort for every Nazi

Yes, everyone will soon discover,
By many miraculous weapons,
Every enemy will leave very soon,
But how will they be available?

About this from Goebbels nothing is heard,
About that, they keep silent
How should one interpret such silence?
I’m inclined,

Not to overestimate his words,
I know his lying sins,
That never contained truth,
But always were invented …

Post-Editing: Sylvia Stawski, Ernst Sittig