08-30-1944, 2nd volume, no. 41, Page 10
08-30-1944, 2nd volume, no. 41, Page 11
08-30-1944, 2nd volume, no. 41, Page 12
08-30-1944, 2nd volume, no. 41, Page 13

cover / introduction table of contents

Conversation with Beneš

One does not easily succeed
To get an interview with Beneš,
But I recently achieved it,
When I manage something like this,

Then I reach my goal,
Mr. Beneš was willing to talk
And I went in high spirits
To this great Czech.

He was sitting in his library,
It’s quiet and peaceful there,
And he said: Dear Breedenbeek,
Make yourself comfortable

Here’s a chair, quite cozy,
And here’s a cushion too,
Now make yourself at ease,
What do you want to know from me?

When are you going back to Prague?
Do you wish to tell me?
I would prefer to leave today,
I don’t want to deny that,

But that is up to the Russians,
How fast they advance,
If they keep up the pace,
I would be very delighted.

Because then Dr. Frick would leave
The Hradčany walls very soon,
He already realizes today, his German luck
Won’t last much longer.

My Prague is not the place to be
For Nazi officials,
Neurath and Heydrich had to part
From this atmosphere.

Heydrich’s candle of life
Was extinguished by Czechs,
The Czech people didn’t agree with
Heydrich’s Gestapo forces.

Daluege will feel himself
Not too secure,
He often grabs his throat,
He knows, the Czech mills,

They grind slowly, but fine,
Many Czechs think: Daluege,
One day the revenge will come,
And woe to you if I get to you.

Mr. Breedenbeek doesn’t smoke? Oh, oh,
Maybe a whisky soda?
I say yes, allow me,
Now I ask: Will the Skoda

Factory continue to produce
Only weapons after the victory,
Cannons for the next war,
That will be fought soon?

Mr. Breedenbeek, when Hitler is gone,
Then the air will be clean,
The arms dealers will be unlucky,
The world will be united then,

Because my humble me
As well as Stalin and Eden
Will ensure a new era
And lasting peace.

Mr. Beneš, I‘m very glad
To hear such a standpoint,
And I am happy if you
Returned to Hradčany today.

You won’t need much longer
To linger in exile,
The Russian army is advancing quickly,
Start packing.

The Russian advance doesn’t cease,
So I say to you silently:
Soon you can return to Prague,
And I wish you
A safe journey!

Post-Editing: Dr. Kurt Gerhard Funke