08-30-1944, 2nd volume, no. 41, Page 8
08-30-1944, 2nd volume, no. 41, Page 9

cover / introduction table of contents

Unfortunately, It Is Not So

Swedish press indulges in fantasies.
The so-called neutral Swedish press has nothing better to do than spread wild rumors about the failed attempt to assassinate the Führer. Especially the numerous reports from so-called Swedish travelers in Germany, who have claimed that in the past few days rumors are circulating in Berlin, according to which several regiments that had mutinied in East Prussia have been partly shot dead, that a state of emergency practically prevails in Berlin, that the person who spoke to the German people on Thursday over the German radio would not have been the Führer, that the injuries of the Führer are definitely not light but very severe, and that several hundred officers would have been executed! – 24-7-44

Führer visits the wounded from the attack.
As shown in photos published by the German press, the Führer visited the staff and members of the Wehrmachtführungsstab who were wounded in the assassination attempt on July 20. In the photos, one can see the Führer at the bedside of Major General Scherff and at the sickbed of General Bodenschatz. – 2-8-44

Because they wish him dead
They declare him dead,
But those are bad people,
The Führer is not dead.

The Führer is alive,
The assassination has failed,
He did not pass away.
No matter how many complain.

Even if foul speech
Spreads the rumor
Adolf has sung his song,
He is still alive, unfortunately.

Sadly, he survived,
What a shame,
You don’t want to believe it,
But look, my dear friend,

You don’t need to hope,
Don’t fool yourself,
He has escaped his fortune,
The newspaper provides the evidence.

You can see him in the newspapers
Alive by the bed,
He comforts his fellows,
Who must stay

In hospital,
Because they are seriously wounded,
It almost affects us,
That Adolf has escaped

The maw of doom,
Misfortune and destruction
And still took his place
With Bodenschatz and Scherff.

If only he had died,
I would rejoyce,
And I would have been content,
And the war was over.

Post-Editing: Dr. Kurt Gerhard Funke