09-02-1944, 2nd volume, no. 42, Page 2
09-02-1944, 2nd volume, no. 42, Page 3
09-02-1944, 2nd volume, no. 42, Page 4

cover / introduction

The Russian Wall

Within 24 hours, a new line.
The protection of the borders of East Prussia.
The National Socialist Party Correspondence reports, among other things: „The military events have become a true total effort for the population of East Prussia, which has hardly had its equal in the history of Germany. Hundreds of thousands have heeded the call of Gauleiter Koch and taken up hoes and shovels to protect the border. For example, within three hours, the university in Königsberg departed from all professors and students. Also, 30,000 boys from the Hitler Youth participated in this work. It was similar with all administrative offices and businesses. Since July 16th, the entire population of East Prussia has been working hard and dedicated continous fully devotion to the protection of their borders. Within 24 hours, an almost continuos first line hundreds of kilometers in length was erected for the borders.“ – 8-8-44

Marshal Stalin takes revenge
Now for the German visit,
Which he endured since ‘41
In the land of the Sovjets.

And he approaches East Prussia,
It will take a few more days,
And because everything is falling apart,
Gauleiter Koch decrees

That in Gumbinnen and Trakehnen,
Schmaleningken, Allenstein,
Everyone has to get used to it
And be prepared,

To build an Ostwall,
An anti-Soviet dam,
We will not hesitate,
No, we are diligently working hard.

And we shovel and we dig,
Old and young and poor and rich,
Until we have accomplished it,
This protection for the Third Reich.

This dam is being built in a hurry,
But nevertheless it’s not too bad,
Yes, the Russians will be beaten up,
Just keep digging and be brave.

It provides the advantages of the Atlantic Wall
And of the Maginot Line,
And it leads us to victory,
Just keep digging diligently and be joyful.

Let the sweat run from your face,
Your noble German sweat,
Germany will win the war,
Just keep digging with diligence.

Digging is the citizen’s virtue,
The student ought to dig,
The Hitler Youth ought to dig
And the superintendent.

And they dig in Stallupönen,
Ebenrode and Zollteich,
an uttermost beautiful
Patented Russian dyke.

Whether Masuria or Kashubia,
Memel, Tilsit, Buttkuheim,
They dig their own graves,
And finally fall in themselves.

Post-Editing: Dr. Kurt Gerhard Funke