09-09-1944, 2nd volume, no. 44, Page 14
09-09-1944, 2nd volume, no. 44, Page 15
09-09-1944, 2nd volume, no. 44, Page 16

cover / introduction table of contents


“We know very well,” continued Dr. Goebbels, “that there is no possibility for us to repeat this conflict in 10, 20, or 50 years, if today, during this decisive phase of our history, we prove ourselves unable to withstand the united onslaught of our enemies. Because, according to their own repeatedly reiterated statements, they would see as their goal the destruction of the German people in their national existence, thus removing them forever from the lives of other nations.” – 10-7-44

If we lose this war,
We cannot in ten years
Wage a  new world war,
Journeys to England will be over.

Even after twenty-five years,
No campaign would be possible for us.
With the German armies,
Things would be forever miserable.

To arm and re-equip
All options would be missing,
And by the black military lists,
No one would be tempted anymore.

Germany would be controlled,
And it could never rise,
That it paid tribute to Mars
The world would never experience again.

Not as the ancients once sang,
Many a war is started,
The youngsters then are differently,
Without continuing to insist

On military power, on weapons,
People would calm and cozy
Create productive things,
And the world remains divinely peaceful.

Martial ambitions
Are restrained and tied down,
And Hitler’s illusions,
Have mostly disappeared.

Yes, people will be ashamed of them,
And I hear Goebbels complaining,
Such measures deprive you
Of the basic reasons for your existence.

If you see salvation and blessing
Only in waging war,
Then nothing matters to you,
And you’ll be wiped out.

But if you want to serve the love of humanity
And cultural ideals,
Tame the Teutonic urges,
Finally free yourselves from them,

Leave the madness of the barbarians,
And the old German sins,
And seek, instead of heading to war,
To find happiness in peace now.

Post-Editing: Robert Saunders