2nd volume, no. 44

Introduction to the content

A press release which Bloch dated September 3 describes the political circumstances on the day of the German invasion of Poland. This reveals that four years ago, Hitler was merely seeking a pretext for his aggression, and the beginning of the world war was based on lies. While Germany initially achieved tremendous successes, Curt Bloch writes that superiority has now vanished. “The Nazi glory will be over,” he states, now the punishment of history will be carried out.

The poem Chief of Staff Number Three: Heinrich Scheppmann addresses the various SA chiefs of staff in the service of Adolf Hitler. Scheppmann’s predecessors both met unnatural deaths: Ernst Röhm (1887–1934) was shot on the orders of the “Führer,” and Viktor Lutze (1890–1943) died in a car accident. Wilhelm Schepmann (1894–1970, mistakenly written by Bloch as Heinrich and with two p’s in his last name) initially worked as an elementary school teacher and later became the police chief in Curt Bloch’s hometown of Dortmund, where – among other things – he persecuted the organized labor movement. After Lutze’s death, Schepmann was entrusted with the leadership of the SA organization. Anyone who, based on the experiences of previous holders of this office, expects a short life will not be contradicted by Curt Bloch.

The Dutch Landwacht was a paramilitary organization active in the Netherlands during World War II. Set to the tune of the song “Oh Susannah,” Curt Bloch writes The Song of the Landwacht. According to Bloch, death awaits those who enlist in the service of the Germans and thus betray their fellow countrymen. Several newspaper clippings document attacks and killings of Landwacht members.

In response to a press report in which Joseph Goebbels attempts to stoke the war spirit, Curt Bloch issues a warning to the Germans. The Rieich’s leader of Propaganda predicts the destruction of the German people if we “prove ourselves unable to withstand the united assault of our enemies.” Bloch, on the other hand, calls in his verses for people to free themselves from “Teutonic urges” and the “madness of the barbarians”; only then can one serve love for humanity and the ideals of culture. The goal should be “To find happiness in peace.”