2nd volume, no. 45

Introduction to the content

For the German propaganda press, it seems important to note that the “Yankee troops” are acting more successfully against the Wehrmacht in the battle than the British. In slaps and slaps, Curt Bloch chronicles the public degradation of the English. However, he “really can’t understand it and can’t see any logic behind it, because: slaps are still slaps!”

Bloch responds to an article in the newspaper “Das Reich” with Dr. Göbbels’ Step to Victory. Despite the catastrophic course of the war on all fronts, the Nazi politician speaks of the need to faithfully and obediently follow Adolf Hitler’s orders. He claims that a German victory awaits at the end. “I equally laugh and am angry”, Curt Bloch wonders about Joseph Goebbels’ statements: “Where does he get the impertinence from?”

Bloch knows how to become a prophet. He illustrates this with two contradictory newspaper reports that are only a week apart. In the first report, the DNB press writes that there should be no further expectations of Allied landings on the European continent. In the second report, this is corrected after a landing in Southern France. Curt Bloch explains that one simply has to announce “the opposite of what’s written in the newspapers”. Then you were always right. However, to make a name for oneself as a “visionary” and “miracle man,” “you shouldn’t wait for long, yes, do it today if possible, because otherwise, I would think, with the German defeat the DNB will be gone.”

In a little curtain sermon, Bloch addresses the German people. Their “bigwigs” and “swastika criminals” sense that their time with the Third Reich is ending. Nevertheless, they continue to lie, send out rallying cries, and incite the continuation of the war. Curt Bloch advises the Germans: “It would be advisable to you to turn the rifles against your benefactors”. However, he is skeptical whether this will ever happen: “But you’ll never get wiser you let yourselves be guided without will”.

During the uprising in Slovakia, the Slovak resistance rose against the German Wehrmacht’s occupation of the Balkan country, which began in the summer of 1944, and against the collaboration regime under Jozef Tiso. The uprising lasted from August 29 to October 28, 1944, and to this day, August 29 is celebrated as a holiday in Slovakia. Curt Bloch is pleased that the Germans are receiving blows everywhere, including in Bratislava now. He sees “freedom dawning” and “human rights finally triumph.”

With Südwall †, Bloch writes an obituary for the German fortifications on the Mediterranean. They had created a “miraculous construction” with a lot of concrete on which all enemies were supposed to “fail miserably”. However, after the Atlantic Wall already did not meet high expectations, the “proud structure” in the south was breached after just one hour. “No wall will protect you anymore,” Curt Bloch concludes, “fate now takes its course.”