09-23-1944, 2nd volume, no. 47, Page 16
09-23-1944, 2nd volume, no. 47, Page 17
09-23-1944, 2nd volume, no. 47, Page 18

cover / introduction table of contents

The “V Two”

The V1, an invention of a young navy soldier, works to full satisfaction. The V2 is on its way. What or how and when? Naturally, the Germans won‘t comment on this, no matter how much the enemy ponders over this question. The Daily Telegraph recently reported that in an area in East Poland, immense destruction had been caused by a test with the new V2 weapon. The English paper even reported that Churchill had asked Stalin to share all the information he could gather as soon as possible so that England could already take precautions. The New York correspondent of Svenska Dagbladet and the Time Magazine believe that the V2 will “only” be a further development of the V1. The Manchester Guardian, on the other hand, “reveals” that the V2 will be a combination of Stuka and fighter, where the fighter would release the Stuka (probably by the rocket principle and that of wireless control) over a specific area, after which the Stuka would drop its robot bombs! From the German side, it has already been stated that the effect of the V2 will exceed that of the V1 to the same extent as an army of 1000 bombers exceeds a squadron of mosquitos. At the right moment, the enemy will know what V2 means, until then, let him guess and speculate. – 15-8-44

Now it is our duty, says Mr. Jager, not to wait until the V2 arrives, but to take action ourselves. „The current conflict is so radical that only the sacrifice we make together can make a difference. My son is now fighting in the West. I don‘t want to tar on my son. I‘m going to help him.“ This is the word of a man, of a National Socialist, who is ready to give himself entirely for his people, for Europe. – 29-8-44

Some Nazis wait happily
Today for the „V two“
Which, even better than V one,
Will show it to the Brits,

Proof of German existence,
Brings every enemy to silence
Germany will win now anyway,
For it has the V two.

Somewhere and sometime
It already shows that the V two
Is a terrific weapon,
Overcomes all enemies

And surely in a short time
Ignites a thousand torches
And thus the V two will become
Eisenhower‘s Waterloo.

Only a weakling finds it rude,
When the terrible V two
Soon punishes England
And devastates the Brits‘ land,

Horrifically and dreadfully
It‘s thoroughly equipped
And brings distress and death wholesale,
Hitler‘s weapon, the V two.

And so the V two will become
Doctor Göbbels‘ alpha and omega
And the Nazis‘ confidence,
Which will bring about this war‘s

Turn from night to light;
Leads them to the triumph of victory
Just as you wish, all proper and right,
Your splendid V two.

But one sees nothing of the V two yet
And the German army, it fled.
Germany‘s border has been reached
And it goes on merrily

And whoever is a Nazi turns pale,
Whoever isn‘t a Nazi is cheerful
And he says about the V two:
Get out of here, I don’t believe it!

Post-Editing: Sylvia Stawski, Ernst Sittig