10-07-1944, 2nd volume, no. 49, Page 16
10-07-1944, 2nd volume, no. 49, Page 17
10-07-1944, 2nd volume, no. 49, Page 18
10-07-1944, 2nd volume, no. 49, Page 19

cover / introduction table of contents

“Passo Romano”

Mussolini‘s bodyguard celebrated its 16th anniversary. On this occasion, a parade for the Duce took place in Rome, where the new Roman parade step was demonstrated again. – 15-2-1938

It cannot be denied,
Whoever denies it would be blind,
There were better times
For him than now.

For after Badoglio‘s putsch
He lost greatly,
But then the Duce
Was truly in great shape.

That was the Passo Romano,
Italy‘s parade march,
Ciano was still alive,
The Duce wasn‘t yet [expected rhyme: being f*cked]

Let‘s not talk about it,
It serves no purpose,
There‘s still a Brenner pass
So he can still leave.

The black shirt community
Is struggling now, they fled,
Now almost his enemies
Are at the Po river and he‘s [expected rhyme: f*cked],

He‘s still in Venice
On the shore of the Adriatic,
Adolf was merciful to him
And he sadly hums there:

That was the Passo Romano
Italy‘s parade march,
Ciano was still alive,
I wasn‘t yet [expected rhyme: being f*cked]

Let‘s not talk about it,
It serves no purpose,
There‘s still a Brenner pass,
So I can still leave.

He sits in his room
In some palace,
Sees the ruins of his reign,
Feels the hatred of the people.

Where are the colonies?
Lost and gone!
Benito had to flee
And outside a rooster crows.

That was the Passo Romano
Italy‘s parade march,
Ciano was still alive,
The Duce wasn‘t yet [expected rhyme: being f*cked]

Let‘s not talk about it
It serves no purpose,
There‘s still a Brenner pass
So he can still leave.

The times of the parade
Are over now, instead
There was Hitler‘s grace,
Who himself barely lives,

Both are on the moribundi,
They‘ll be dead soon,
Sic transit Gloria Mundi,
Dawn is breaking.

That was the Passo Romano,
Italy‘s parade march
Ciano was still alive,
The Duce wasn‘t yet [expected rhyme: being f*cked]
Let‘s not talk about it,
For it serves no purpose,
Despite the Obersalzberg, Brenner pass,
They won‘t get away.