In the zones where we live,
I hear the thunder of the cannons,
quite often
From afar, I listen gladly,
For it is a signal to me.
Yes, it proclaims, soon there will be
A change, it ignites
Hope in the heart.
Sounds of thunder, songs of freedom,
A song of new lust for life.
And I sit, hear the artillery,
The eerie chord of
V1 and the howitzer,
And I interpret the chimes,
Hear about the new times
Securely marching above death and murder.
Dying of old cruelties,
Death of barbarity.
Mortar pounding heralds the dawn,
The end of all tyranny.
In the zones where we live,
I can hear the thunder of the cannons,
quite often
From afar, I listen gladly,
For it is a signal to me.
Post-Editing: Simone Bloch
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