Need and death and fear and mourning
Hold this star captive
Separate men from their wives
Bleach hair and bleach cheeks,
One suffers from hunger and cold.
Germany became a suppurative focus
And a curse for this earth
A ruthless madman
Brought the world a harrowed
Time of fears and deprivation.
Yes, the German madness holds
Busy all the world‘s powers
In a struggle that doesn‘t wane
It‘s as if the infernal forces themselves
Made Germany malicious.
But when all of humanity desires,
Hitler must ultimately yield
Great things are coming
Yes, this darkness will be illuminated
And the weapons fall silent.
One day it will come to pass,
Will the German power be broken,
The swastika will crumble,
The current evil will be avenged,
A new sunshine will gleam.
Post-Editing: Sylvia Stawski, Ernst Sittig, Nannie Braunstein-Beekman
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