People, what life is this,
Ten times an alarm is sounded,
And one hears through celestial spheres
Passing by with the song of engines
Countless air convoys,
That drop bombs on Germany,
Hear them growl heavily loaded,
Finest bombs, heaviest bombs.
Hear them heavily loaded gasping:
Hitler‘s Germany must be in ruins,
And it is to be rejoiced,
Yes, the song of the engines
I find delight in hearing,
Cheerfully I hear them fly,
I know their song will not deceive.
Through the bombs they carry,
The swastika is defeated,
They shatter and burn
The German lands daily
Continously without stopping,
And after they transported them
And dropped them
Over cities, over villages.
I hear them returning home,
Flying through the heaven’s spheres.
Like music it sounds in my ears
The rumbling of the engines again,
Listening to the sounds,
I feel what they mean.
For relieved of bomb loads,
That they brought to their targets,
I hear their singing with relief:
Bombs will force Hitler,
Bombs will strike Germany,
Freedom will rise anew
From the rubble, from the shards,
Nazi tyranny must die.
Post-Editing: Sylvia Stawski, Ernst Sittig
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