12-19-1944, 2nd volume, no. 59, Page 9
12-19-1944, 2nd volume, no. 59, Page 10
12-19-1944, 2nd volume, no. 59, Page 11
12-19-1944, 2nd volume, no. 59, Page 12

cover / introduction table of contents


I am Annemie,
The armament industry
Is my profession today,
Because I‘m turning grenades.

I have to turn grenades,
I don’t like that very much,
But I turn many shots,
Because I simply have to

And I can’t do otherwise,
Because Adolf is after us
We work early and late,
Because there’s no other way.

I am Annemie
And I go early in the morning
To the ammunition factory,
That‘s my youthful happiness.

Once I loved Hitler very much,
But not anymore since a long time,
I‘m not so crazy anymore,
I don’t care about the BDM.

They taught me there,
If you honor the Führer
Germany always did well,
It makes me very angry,

Because today is clear to me,
That not a word of it was true
Today Annemie knows:
Things have never been this bad.

I feel dull today,
We’re sunk deep in the swamp
And can’t get out anymore,
The Reich with all hands

Is completely going under,
The Nazis are the reason,
The Nazis are to blame,
I impatiently wish,

That this war would be over
And father would come home
But as much as I would like it,
The outlook is very poor.

The outlook is very small,
It could, for example, be,
That he falls in the end,
But if God preserves him

And he will come back
And we’re bombed to death
There won’t be a reunion either,
How will things go for us?

God knows what will happen,
As long as the Führer leads
And we keep drudging,
There will be no reunion.

If Adolf Hitler were dead,
Then the distress would be over
And I, Annemie, would be
Happy as never before.

Post-Editing: Sylvia Stawski, Ernst Sittig