02-19-1944, 2nd volume, no. 8, Page 2
02-19-1944, 2nd volume, no. 8, Page 3
02-19-1944, 2nd volume, no. 8, Page 4
02-19-1944, 2nd volume, no. 8, Page 5

cover / introduction


Berlin‘s protection against air raids
The A.N.P. correspondent searches in vain for damage
Therefore, we have crisscrossed and searched the German capital in all directions for possible air raids. We undertook this search with extra diligence because it was also connected to an investigation of a housing situation: due to the enormous influx of foreigners, there is a great scarcity of housing. Well, we have yet to come across the first damage, except for the previously reported fires at the state opera and the library, of which the traces will soon have disappeared. However, one can safely assume that Berlin is the best-defended city against air raids, and all the attempts made so far have completely failed. This metropolis has suffered proportionally less from English or other bombs than, for example, The Hague. – 5-9-41

Terror attack on Berlin. 29/1 44
British terror aircraft took advantage of favorable weather conditions for them last night to launch a new terror attack on the German capital. Under a low-hanging, closed cloud cover, numerous enemy aircraft flew over the area of Greater Berlin and dropped mines, high-explosive, incendiary, and phosphorus incendiary bombs on various parts of the city. Damage occurred, mainly in densely populated residential areas and on cultural monuments. The population suffered losses.

12 terror attacks in January.
In the air battle over Germany, the month of January brought 12 terror attacks on Germany. Berlin was attacked four times. – 29-1-44

New terror attack on Berlin.
In the early morning hours of January 29, British terror aircraft continued their heavy attacks on the German capital. Numerous enemy aircraft dropped a large number of mines, high-explosive, incendiary, and phosphorus incendiary bombs under the protection of clouds. Damage was caused in various parts of the city. Once again, residential areas, churches, hospitals, and cultural monuments were hit. The population suffered losses. – 31-1-44

On Sunday evening, British terror bombers attacked extensive areas of the German capital, causing heavy damage in residential areas, cultural monuments, social institutions, and public buildings. The population suffered losses. – 1/2 44

The correspondent of the ANP
Did not find it so bad in Berlin,
For this guarantor informed:
I have not determined any damage.

Even if London calls the damage severe,
I state: it is not true.
The Reuters report is ridiculed,
For in Berlin, nothing is broken,

No, everything here is unscathed and intact,
And it was read in the “Telegraaf”
And in the “Rotterdammer”
And everyone found it a pity.

Since then, more than two years have passed,
Berlin is now heavily besieged,
Almost daily, the RAF comes,
And works with loyalty and dedication.

It scatters bombs with a mild hand,
Sowing devastation and spreading fire,
People and houses are destroyed,
The capital city is going to ruin.

A large part is already in ruins,
So it is reported in the Handelsblad
And in the Rotterdammer
And no one finds it a pity.

For the correspondent of the ANP
It did not go well in Berlin,
Back then, he rented a house,
The RAF reduced it to rubble.

His belongings are severely damaged,
As is his ANP report,
He crowed too early back then,
And now regrets it very much.

Enchanted of his delusion,
His whole household is gone to waste,
He almost fell victim himself,
He gladly packed his suitcase.

Two years ago, he searched for damage
In Berlin and in Krautland,
Back then, he found everything unscathed and whole,
But today, it‘s too much for him,

Because wherever he goes and stands,
He sees exorbitant devastation,
Reading what he wrote back then,
England was certainly on a roll.

He mocked a little too early,
For Hitler‘s Germany is falling apart,
Whatever they write today,
It won‘t last for long.

They still lie through the DNB,
They lie through the ANP too,
They lie through radio and newspapers,
Nobody believes them in the Netherlands.

Between the lines, it is evident,
They are struggling everywhere,
One can see how the German army retreats,
The Soviet border has already been reached.

And also at the Atlantic Wall,
If you wonder what is going to happen,
I will provide the answer:
The Krauts will soon be driven out.

Post-Editing: Simone Bloch