03-10-1945, 3rd volume, no. 10, Page 2
03-10-1945, 3rd volume, no. 10, Page 3
03-10-1945, 3rd volume, no. 10, Page 4
03-10-1945, 3rd volume, no. 10, Page 5
03-10-1945, 3rd volume, no. 10, Page 6

cover / introduction

Movie Theatre in La Rochelle

BERLIN, February 1. In the hardest days of the war, the film „Kolberg“ is being shown in the German Atlantic fortress of La Rochelle and in Berlin. A document of heroic bravery from Prussia‘s most difficult time. In its parable-like meaning, this film concerns all Germans and it is obvious to draw parallels. While generations before us necessarily lacked the deepest understanding of the fate of the people of Kohlberg, we can understand them and – this is decisive for the present situation of Fortress Germany – also stand before them. Our time, too, is rich in leaders like Gneisenau and Schiller and has countless comrades of the people who, like Nettelbeck and the Kolberg citizens and peasants, sacrifice their possessions for the fatherland. Our women, too, like those from Kolberg, have suffered most grievously and remain steadfast in flames and smoke at the loss of the home hearth at the news of the heroic death of their husbands and sons. Many a German town can be worthily named at the same time as the heroic Kohlberg, whose name shines through the bleak times of Prussia‘s humiliation, and was the star that shone out of the rubble and ruins, pointing the way to the popular struggle of the Breslau volunteer units (Freischaren) and finally to the wars of liberation.
On the occasion of the premiere of the film „Kolberg“ in the German Atlantic fortress of La Rochelle on 30 January, Reich Minister Dr. Goebbels sent the following radio message to the fortress commander: “I have sent you the first copy of the recently completed colour film ‘Kolberg’ for the premiere at your fortress on 30 January. The film is an artistic song of praise to the bravery and courage that is prepared to make the greatest sacrifices for the people and the homeland. It will therefore experience its most dignified premiere as a sign of the close fighting bond between the front and the homeland among the men who embody the virtues depicted in this film for the entire nation. May the film appear to you and your brave soldiers as a document of the unshakable steadfastness of a people which, in these days of world-wide struggle, has become one with the fighting front and is willing to follow the great examples of its glorious history, Hail to our Führer!”
The commander of the German Atlantic fortress of La Rochelle responded with the following radio message: “The premiere of the colour film Kolberg took place today in the theatre of La Rochelle before soldiers of all units of the defense sector. Deeply impressed by the heroic attitude of the Kolberg fortress and its artistically unsurpassable presentation, we combine our thanks for the transmission of the film on 30 January with a renewed pledge to do the same as the heroically fighting homeland and not to be inferior to it in endurance and readiness for action. Long live Germany, long live our Führer! signed Schirlitz, Vice Admiral, Commandant of La Rochelle. – 2-2-45, “Wacht im Westen”

Friend Joseph Goebbels is at home,
His mood is darkened,
His night prayer for the swastika,
I have eavesdropped on it:
The enemy is in Cleef and Goch,

That’s certainly no joke,
I wonder, how can I still
Keep the troops in line?
How can I best

Maintain control of the
German coastal fortifications,
The citadel of La Rochelle,
To keep it chained for Adolf.

They are somewhat isolated
Still fighting for Hitler,
But if something doesn‘t happen soon,
Depression and misery will sink

To bravery‘s dead end,
And they will surrender,
I have to find a solution,
But my repertoire is meager.

I‘ve played the same record so often,
Kept it spinning endlessly,
So that many German soldiers
Are no longer swayed by it.

My voice alone won‘t be enough,
The new situation demands
A new act … and then
He had an inspiration.

I will send the new film “Kolberg”
Urgently to La Rochelle,
For the occupiers as the audience
It will set an example

Of old German bravery
Of a hundred years ago,
How back then, in death‘s defiance,
They fought with courage.

Thus, in La Rochelle,
The premiere of „Kolberg“ took place,
And through that film, quickly,
Depression and misery changed

In every soldier to heroic courage,
They were compelled
And willingly gave their lives and blood
For Adolf Hitler.

The commander of La Rochelle
Thus sent the following message:
Even though we are in a difficult situation,
We will defend ourselves

Until our last breath,
With our last strength,
We have just watched the film,
You can expect from us

To be inspired by bravery,
To fight courageously,
Until La Rochelle is destroyed
And we have met our end.

Even if there is no hope for us
To achieve victory,
We learned in the cinema
How to die properly

We all stand our ground
And until the last moment,
We will shout, like lions,
Long live the Führer!

The film “Kolberg” is a success,
I dare say,
Both the regular army and the SS
they showed themselves to be heroes.

And Goebbels read the telegram
And said, very satisfied:
Our army is fired up
For such amusements.

If the mood is ever lost somewhere,
I won‘t be crooning on the radio,
From now on, on the silver screen,
I will play some film comedies.

The empire has recently become
One big bomb crater,
And Dr. Goebbels turns it into
A movie theatre.

He presents the “Kolberg” image,
But it is quite clear:
He‘s only conjuring up a happy ending,
And he promises victory,

While that film is nothing more than
A momentary remedy,
And one of the last scenes
Of the Third Reich‘s tragedy …

Post-Editing: Hanny Veenendaal