Denis Larisch

  • Audio contribution: 1
  • Language: DE

Denis Larisch (* 1977) is a stage and voice actor. He completed his acting studies at the University of Music and Theatre in Leipzig and – from there – further education at the German National Theatre in Weimar. Larisch worked as an ensemble member at the Nordharzer Städtebundtheater, the Theater Erlangen, and the State Theatre Oldenburg, and has been a member of the ensemble at the State Theatre Mainz since the 2014 season. He was awarded the Special Prize at the Bavarian Theatre Days Awards in 2004 in addition to the Förderverein Prize at the Theater Erlangen in 2006. In 2017, he was invited to the Berliner Theatertreffen with the play “Traurige Zauberer” (Sad Magicians), and has taken part in numerous TV and film productions.

Letztes Schreckensstadium

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