11-11-1944, 2nd volume, no. 54, Page 2
11-11-1944, 2nd volume, no. 54, Page 3
11-11-1944, 2nd volume, no. 54, Page 4

cover / introduction

Adolf Super Bonaparte

Without his faults.
I have attempted to unite Europe and lead it to victory: I have not succeeded. Another will come, greater than I. He will succeed, and he will unite our continent and lead it to victory. Napoleon. – 21-10-44

Adolf Hitler wishes wholeheartedly
To go down in history
As a new Bonaparte,
Hitler, Hitler, damn,

Will it work, will you succeed,
Will you still in distant days,
As the Emperor of the French,
Dance gloriously through the ages?

Small as you are, it began,
You conquered a world,
Many a country you have subjugated,
Many a ruler you have ousted.

And just like Bonaparte,
You wanted to defy fate,
Tried to build an empire
And to set up a system

To govern Europe
According to laws, according to doctrines,
Invented by you,
Brussels, Amsterdam, and London,

Greeks, French, Russians, Norwegians,
Have been defeated and are lost,
If they don’t want to bow down
And to swallow his oppression

And so splendid is his arrangement,
Every nation lives in oppression,
Has become subject
To the cruel Kraut hordes,

That is European unity,
Meanness prevails everywhere,
Violence and threats reign,
People steal goods and blood and money.

What they praise, what they brag about,
What they call the new order,
Is nothing but graveside silence,
Fear and terror make you shudder

And cause goosebumps,
They mistreat and torment.
Of German torture
We know a song to sing,

Of revolvers, torture rack, daggers,
Hitler welcomeds all nations
Hitler turned Europe into
Trulx his own empire “GESTOPA”

Everyone saw it with sorrow,
Adolf Super-Bonaparte,
Was here emperor, was king,
And it was a splendid spectacle,

But GESTOPA will not remain,
People see, that the Krauts are driven
Out of many countries already,
Soon the volcano will soon erupt

And the Führer will disappear,
Will his name continue to shine,
Will people let him be revered,
Or register him as a maniac?

Nay! He will never be forgotten,
When his name falls, everyone will know
That his time was that period,
In which madness became method!

Post-Editing: Marion Frankenhuis