05-20-1944, 2nd volume, no. 21, Page 8
05-20-1944, 2nd volume, no. 21, Page 9
05-20-1944, 2nd volume, no. 21, Page 10

cover / introduction table of contents

“The Painter”

(see cover montage)

These are heavy times now,
Even for the OWC,
How can I delight you?
Sometimes, it’s really not easy.

Sometimes one can’t force it,
My task is truly tough,
I‘m looking for new things
For my repertoire.

The time is without action,
Before I bore you,
I bring today as an attraction
Onto my stage

The “Führer of Germania”
As a quick sketch artist,
Adolf captivates you,
And it‘s done.

He draws scenes,
He can do it in a flash,
And by doing so, he makes many
Happy and content as can be.

He has no equal,
Adolf understands his craft,
He paints ruthlessly,
And doesn’t care about anything.

Much suffering is endured,
Half of humanity dies,
Yes, many are today
“Painted to death” by Hitler.

For Germany, he has sketched
A future very beautiful,
But he miscalculated,
And Germany fell victim now

To disillusionment,
And is disappointed,
And comes to the conclusion:
A painter is no hero.

The Germans, are not having
much fun with Hitler,
And sigh: he should have stayed
By his palette.

But so he brought much grieving,
And suffering and pain,
The mood is very somber,
And the future, it is black.

In scents and in colors,
He presented her,
But he certainly didn’t predict
The events correctly.

It won’t be much longer
Until they seize the painter,
And send him to hell,
Yes, he will be wiped out.

With impatience, we await
This moment already,
Our suffering will ease somewhat,
And we are enjoyed.

When Adolf goes, our pain will lessen,
So we are happy,
Because soon the painter will die,
And we will finally be free.

Post-Editing: Sylvia Stawski, Ernst Sittig