09-23-1944, 2nd volume, no. 47, Page 13
09-23-1944, 2nd volume, no. 47, Page 14
09-23-1944, 2nd volume, no. 47, Page 15

cover / introduction table of contents

The Peace Angels Rehearse

The Peace Angels believe,
The war won‘t last much longer,
Those who are optimistic say up there
It‘s just a matter of hours.

Those who are pessimistic talk of weeks,
Those who are skeptical speak of days,
But from any viewpoint:
The Germans will be defeated soon.

Anyone who‘s a Peace Angel feels today,
He needs to get back into action soon,
The sufferings of war will soon be over,
So they have decided

To prepare soon for the
Upcoming peace celebrations,
They have to learn their song again,
Because over the years most of them

Have completely forgotten their peace songs,
For there wasn‘t really much to sing about,
The world was consumed by hate
And by those unpleasant Hitler things.

For angels during those times,
There was no life, just like for humans,
Because march music and sounds of war
Are truly not what they wish for.

They have a preference for the sounds of peace,
For harp music and clarinets,
And they don‘t feel for and reject
For drum beats and war trumpets.

And if you could take a peek,
Like I did recently,
You‘d see: Heavenly problems
Are not sooo simple today.

You‘d see them rehearsing
Grand peace symphonies
And how they diligently study
The beautiful harmonies of peace.

They play their finely strung,
Well-tuned instruments,
And sing of peace on Earth,
And of the beautiful images of peace,

Where all people become brothers,
And start loving each other tenderly,
And don‘t gear up for war,
But reflect on their humanity.

They practice their beautiful voices,
One might think, when we hear them sing,
That they could tame any predator,
Because it sounds wonderful to our ears.

It brings about peaceful thoughts,
And dreams of golden future days,
Full of hope and expectation,
That their performance might succeed.

Post-Editing: Sylvia Stawski, Ernst Sittig