02-26-1944, 2nd volume, no. 9, Page 2
02-26-1944, 2nd volume, no. 9, Page 3
02-26-1944, 2nd volume, no. 9, Page 4
02-26-1944, 2nd volume, no. 9, Page 5
02-26-1944, 2nd volume, no. 9, Page 6

cover / introduction

A Way Back

German colonists repatriate.
Because of the changing front in the Soviet Union, measures have been taken to transfer the numerous German colonists who have inhabited the steppe region between the Dniester and Don rivers since the second half of the 18th century to the German Reich territory. The number of German villages in the Black Sea region, in the former Russian governorates of Yekaterinoslav, Cherson, and Tauria, has steadily increased, reaching 1,077 villages with a population of approximately 600,000 Germans at the outbreak of the First World War. These colonists will now find a new home in the Wartheland region, with care taken to ensure that the cohesion of the village communities is not disrupted. Around 140,000 Germans have so far embarked on the arduous 1,600 km journey to Germany, a difficult path through snow and ice, by wagons and on foot, where even under the most favorable conditions, no more than 30 km per day could be covered. The first groups are expected in Litzmannstadt now, from where they will be transferred to their final destinations. Due to the current circumstances, it is not possible for them to build their own farms, so the returning colonists will be temporarily employed as agricultural workers. – 9-2-1944

Years ago, Hans Grimm wrote a book,
The title was „Volk ohne Raum“ (People without Space),
There, Hitler found enough material
For his pangermanic dream.

He found reason, he found cause:
The Reich‘s territory was far too small,
The situation was very unhealthy,
And Germany had to be larger.

Germany was like a barrel of herrings,
The people could hardly breathe,
Life was no fun,
Because Germany needed Lebensraum.

The German farmer lacked land,
The industry needed raw materials,
The Führer spoke, and Germany found:
Adolf is right, we need it.

And then one saw back and forth,
A migration of peoples,
Areas were emptied of people,
Yes, Adolf put the world in motion.

First, according to the treaty,
He brought the ethnic Germans from Baltic lands,
To whom Stalin didn‘t pay much attention,
Back to the Reich with a strong hand.

The exodus of swastika children
Into the praised Third Reich,
The new Moses Hitler is pleased,
How this train, ragged and pale.

Now they leaves its old homeland,
He gives them stolen land
And let the new Germans know.
You build your nest in Poland.

Because this is your German right,
The land is conquered by us,
Therefore, the Pole is our servant,
Who opposes, is put against the wall.

Then the war with Russia broke out,
And the Baltic States were occupied,
The whole German public
Lived in a frenzy of victory.

Russian land was conquered,
Ukraine‘s grain region,
They advanced to the banks of the Volga,
As far as one can see, the land is German.

Now they have everything they need,
Germany has its Lebensraum,
And it is now compressed,
The scum of humanity helps with that.

Fom Western Europe they were brought
Many a fascist volunteer reports,
Who became a compliant slave driver
In the colony of the East

Who already thinks themselves rich and happy,
Yes, such fascist thinks with joy,
Adolf has given me this land,
And that will remain forever.

The dream of Russia is dreamed out,
The luck is very reversible,
The Lebensraum is quickly emptied,
The German army floods back.

And with the army, the disappointed
Slave driver disappears, too,
And gets something else to do
For Adolf‘s domestic use.

And because there are Germans in Russia,
Who have been there for two centuries,
Has it now pleased the Führer
To rock this German child.

They must go “home” into the Third Reich,
Whether they want it or not,
For Adolf, everything remains the same,
Their will does not matter.

A train of hundreds of thousands,
Now crosses Europe on foot,
And crosses the Dnjeper, Bug,
Because they must be crossed.

They are forced on the way back
Into the unknown homeland,
Promising a dubious happiness
After the war on the banks of the Warthe,

But for now, they must be very obedient
Work as farm laborers.
As farm laborers? No, as slaves!
And Hitler calls that “liberate.”

They describe everything beautifully,
And praise it as a liberation act,
But you can clearly see,
That they only need slaves.

Whether Volga Germans or Hottentots,
Mr. Hitler doesn’t care,
He puts them all in the same groove,
Because this war is very total.

The war with Russia was for nothing,
The old dream melted into foam,
And now, as a replacement,
Adolf brings in many foreign peoples from foreign areas.

Post-Editing: Sylvia Stawski, Ernst Sittig