10-30-1943, 1st volume, no. 11, Page 7
10-30-1943, 1st volume, no. 11, Page 8
10-30-1943, 1st volume, no. 11, Page 9

cover / introduction table of contents


A name one now reads often enough
And that name is Kremenchuk
The German press sings in a minor key
The German front, it got a tear

The Krauts must retreat once again
The Red Army builds a bridge,
A breach the Red Army made
Defeats the Krauts and Kremenchuk.

The train can not be stopped,
Stalin threatens the Dnieper line
The Mof sees danger on the rim,
They‘ll cut us off Crimea soon,

The Reds are so radical,
The Dnieper is no child’s play,
We have a lot ahead of us
In Russia and at Kremenchuk.

And Hitler is terribly afraid
He knows it won’t be much longer,
The Dnieper line is broken,
In Germany, there’s daily turmoil

The people grumble, the people grump,
When peace will finally come.
The Eastern front begins to totter,
These were killed, and those were wounded,
One late, the other one early
One somewhere else, one at Krementsyug.

And everywhere, it‘s going wrong now,
One can see that one is lost.
Wherever you say something,
It‘s not going well for you at all

Herr Goebbels lies: It‘s not true!
And Himmler has achieved it,
Who today speaks a little too much,
Will be summarily executed.

Isn’t it enough for you?
Stalingrad? Tunis?? Kremenchuk???

Post-Editing: Sylvia Stawski, Ernst Sittig