10-21-1944, 2nd volume, no. 51, Page 14
10-21-1944, 2nd volume, no. 51, Page 15
10-21-1944, 2nd volume, no. 51, Page 16

cover / introduction table of contents

A New Hungarian Rhapsody

A New Hungarian Rhapsody
The Eastern Front.
In the past few days the main focus at the Eastern Front has been concentrated on Hungary and Lithuania, while fierce fighting also rage in the eastern Carpathians and south of Belgrade. The Soviets managed to advance into the area of Szegedin and Debreczen. In Lithuania, the Soviets have tried to gain control of the coastline for several days. Heavy attacks on Riga were repelled. In Finland, German troops have withdrawn from Formosa. Soviet attacks were repelled near Murmansk. It was further reported this morning that the Soviets resumed their attacks in the Vistula Bend after a long pause. The attack was prepared by prolonged artillery fire. German troops repelled the attacks and captured weapons and prisoners. The Soviets have also resumed their attacks along the Narew. There was bitter fighting there throughout Sunday. – October 10, 1944

Unfortunately, things are not going so well
In the West at the moment,
Eisenhower’s advance has stalled,
It’s been a failure for six weeks,
And that’s why today
I feel drawn to the Eastern Front.

I observe with joy:
At least, things are moving there,
Today I see that Uncle Stalin
is in the land of the Magyars,
Mopping the floor with the Germans,
Debrecen and Szeged

Will be soon captured by him
Hungary will turn away from you
Just as Bulgaria did recently,
Yes, it will probably drop in a few
Days, just like Romania,
Italy, and the state of the Finns.

And I see with delight,
How the Russians continue to advance,
Soon they will be in Budapest,
Instead of the Rákóczi March they will soon be playing:
„Hungary is completely kaput
And will definitely receive the final blow soon.”

Since it allied with Hitler,
Goulash long disappeared,
And coziness vanished, too,
Instead of Gypsy melodies
People are captured today,
Nazi cruelty reigns.

There used to be paprika, balsamic,
Hungarian sausages were so salami-like,
And the was so wild,
But thanks to Hitler, the Hungarians
Are desperate and hungry,
And filled with hatred against the Germans,

Because of the rain of bombs,
They will lay down their weapons,
Then your enemy will march on Vienna.
And in Moscow this year,
Instead of vodka, they’ll likely drink wine,
And I shout: Cheers, Stalin!

Post-Editing: Benno Groeneveld