08-12-1944, 2nd volume, no. 36, Page 2
08-12-1944, 2nd volume, no. 36, Page 3
08-12-1944, 2nd volume, no. 36, Page 4

cover / introduction

When Adolf Leads …

When Adolf leads
Turning to the military situation, van Geelkerken recalled the words of the Führer when he said he would command the last battalions himself. However, it will never come to that. The new Europe is born on the battlefields. As long as the Führer stands, so do we. As long as even one soldier defends Europe against all the devils from hell, we, the Dutch National Socialists, will stand behind our leader and the Führer, faithful and loyal unto death. – 6-11-1943

Some Germans say in a serious tone
The war is going very badly today,
But our last battalions
Will be led by the Führer into battle

When almost all have fallen,
Adolf himself reaches for the rifle,
And when the time comes, he shows us all
That he can replace an entire army.

He will inspire the last man,
So he fights until the very end,
And success is assured,
No, really and truly not.

The Führer promised it once,
And he will certainly do it,
We are far from being broken,
The true fight is only now beginning.

With Adolf Hitler at the helm,
The rest of the German army fights,
The Führer acts as comfort and support,
And everyone stands firmly in loyalty.

And if there aren’t many left,
Success is still guaranteed,
We will surely achieve our goal,
When Adolf leads us into battle.

We will overcome every setback
That has been inflicted upon us lately,
When Adolf leads, it’s not child’s play,
The mere fact is sufficient.

The Reich’s situation is becoming healthier
Exactly at that very moment,
When Adolf leads, it works wonders,
And trust is restored.

The Führer will be the Reich’s weapon,
The Führer will be the Reich’s shield,
Who doubts that we can do it with him,
Is certainly wrongly informed.

But the time has not yet come,
To date he has not yet intervened,
And some are thinking quite dazed,
It seems that the time has not yet arrived.

We still have too many soldiers,
The hour has not yet come,
And it is not yet advisable,
For Adolf to take up arms.

Millions still need to fall,
Only then will Adolf enter the fray,
But gradually it begins to dawn on everyone,
Not much longer and the time will come

Then there won’t be a soldier left,
If you don’t revolt quickly,
Then only bigwigs and profiteers will remain
For whom you fought this war.

How long will you continue to give your life
For Adolf’s deception of the people.
There is still time to rise-up,
But it won’t be long before the jug breaks.

You still resemble herd animals,
But it’s time for you to understand,
As long as the Nazis lead you,
Thus long …. Will you will be led by the nose.

Post-Editing: Robert Saunders