11-20-1943, 1st volume, no. 14, Page 10
11-20-1943, 1st volume, no. 14, Page 11
11-20-1943, 1st volume, no. 14, Page 12

cover / introduction table of contents

Weak Consolation

The Third Reich has great sorrow,
It is bombarded every night,
No more sleep and slumber,
Constantly being alarmed,

Whether Hamburg, Cologne, or Wilhelmshaven,
Whether Emden, Essen, or the Ruhr Area,
We have not slept in ages
The daily refrain sounds,

People become paler and paler,
For their night‘s rest is gone,
And Goebbels proclaims, it will get better,
The turning point is near!

Yes, my dearest ladies and gentlemen,
In England, they are already very terrified,
Indeed, in England, they know today
It won‘t last much longer

Then comes the day when we take revenge,
Yes, England trembles, England shakes,
Feeling that punishment for the crimes
Will soon be hovering over its head.

The fear of punishment lies like a nightmare
On the British people’s chest,
Whoever thinks that England sleeps calmly
Has been mistaken all along.

It‘s not the German bomber,
That keep England from sleeping,
It is something much sharper,
That has infested in England.

It has clawed itself tightly,
Tormenting and suppressing the British minds,
It is England‘s bad conscience,
You can‘t know what that means!

For we are pure and without fault,
Knowing ourselves free from the guilt of war,
And our souls are pure white
And free from all barbarism.

We wage war with clean hands,
We did not want it after all,
And one day the misfortune will end
That is rolling over Germany today.

And even if the bombs fall today,
Endure it calmly with patience,
Crawl into the air raid bunkers,
And think: We carry no guilt.

Even if you lose all your belongings,
Stay completely cold,
Remember: A raven croaks about England,
German revenge is coming very soon!

But that cannot warm up Germany,
Nowadays, people are angry with Goebbels,
They no longer want to be saddened,
And his promise is no consolation.

Because it does not help you anyway,
Indeed, it was an expensive fun,
You see the last grain of sand running out
In Doctor Goebbels’ hourglass.

Post-Editing: Kurt Gerhard Funke