Why do the Krauts cry and complain?
The zoo in Berlin has been hit!
I read it today in the newspapers,
Eight elephants died,
Only one has survived
Also killed were tigers and lions
And crocodiles and snakes,
Which they kept imprisoned.
Alligators, leopards, and wolves,
They lie dead and buried,
Even a little polar bear had to be slaughtered,
It never had a chance to recover.
Giraffes and deer disappeared,
Yes, truly, it is a reason for crying,
With monkeys and antelopes
It all looks quite woeful.
And also with the large aviary,
It is a terrible disaster.
The animals that perished
Were described in great detail.
The reporting on the people,
I find, leaves much to be desired.
How many have fallen victim,
No numbers are given about that,
About this, one remains silent in fear
And withholds any disclosure
And surely many have perished,
But nowhere is it spoken of.
And furthermore, I am dissatisfied
And not in good spirits today,
And I find it a shame
That the most dangerous beast remains unharmed.
Post-Editing: Sylvia Stawski, Ernst Sittig
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