01-01-1944, 2nd volume, no. 1, Page 16

cover / introduction table of contents

New Year‘s Greeting to My Friends

It was a year of the heaviest blows,
It was a year full of fear and anxiety,
And now that its end has approached
I still sit quietly and trapped.

And people were taken away,
I do not know if they will return,
I sit and want to dream of it all the time
And I just wait and see, time will tell.

The old year brought heavy wounds,
Which will only slowly heal,
The future cannot be fathomed,
One can only speculate about future events.

And yet! I still live, hope,
Wait for freedom and peace.
This time will also pass,
And with the very first step

Of the new year, I send my wishes,
I wish you happiness, my friends,
And today, dear people,
I hope that we will find peace and tranquility soon.