03-18-1944, 2nd volume, no. 12, Page 8
03-18-1944, 2nd volume, no. 12, Page 9
03-18-1944, 2nd volume, no. 12, Page 10

cover / introduction table of contents

The Bogeyman of the Third Reich (Song)

“Internationale” Exit. 21/12/1943
The Council of People’s Commissionars of the Soviet Union has, as reported by the Soviet Russian news agency, decided to replace the lyrics of the current national anthem, the “Internationale,” with another one. For the new national anthem, the “Hymn of the Soviet Union,” the music by composer Alexandrov has been chosen. The new national anthem will be played universally starting from 15th March 1944. In the explanation of this decision, it is stated that the “Internationale” does not reflect the most significant changes in its content that have occurred in the Soviet Union after the victory of the Soviet regime. – 1943

Dr. Goebbels: “The Decision on Life and Death.”
If the enemies succeed in forcing Germany to its knees, a wave of filth from the Siberian tundra would be set in motion against the European continent. Everyone knows that the fate of European countries depends solely on the hardness and durability of German resistance. Nevertheless, it seems that the moment has not yet come for the European nations to awaken from their torpidity and prepare to defend their lives. A cunning Jewish propaganda does everything to put them even deeper asleep and dull their urge for self-preservation. In all countries of the continent, one notices the wrong wisdom that seeks to avoid danger and the consequences which must be drawn from the current situation. People still seriously believe that England and the United States would come to help at the critical moment, and narrow-minded theoreticians delude themselves that Bolshevism has been eradicated. For all of them, Stalin builds golden bridges to keep them idle for as long as he deems useful for his plans. The Soviets currently consider it more effective to wave the cross than the revolver, but their world-revolutionary intentions remain the same. The Anglo-American war objective collapses in on itself. Our predictions are beginning to be fulfilled with frightening automatism. Instead of throwing Europe back to its pre-war state, England and the United States pave the way for the Bolshevist colossus to total domination. Here, no more declarations or utopian daydreams decide, but only military power. However, where is such force, outside the German Wehrmacht, available in sufficient quantity to confront the aggressive Bolshevism? Therefore, Europe stands before the final decision: life or death. – 18/2/44

The swastika regime
Has always boasted
That it would protect the world
From the Soviet terror brood

Against red crowds
The Third Reich protects us
But still so many
Have a wrong view.

Bogeyman Stalin only pretends
Now he changed his tactics
And the “Internationale”
Made way for church music

And Goebbels sighs and wails:
Things are definitely going wrong
Our heroic struggle for culture
Is not appreciated anywhere

Yes, people let themselves be fooled
By a clever lie,
Stalin remains the same
And he deceives you.


Europe is definitely
Destined to become a desert
Millions of people will perish,
That is the Soviet way.

Don‘t be intoxicated
By what they tell you now,
Stalin is presented as holy


And very cunningly
He now waves the cross
But with his plans, dear people,
It’s really no good

And if you want to preserve
Your homes and culture,
You must follow Germany,
Otherwise, you‘ll be sour.


But those who know the Krauts
Don‘t believe this story
And everyone clearly sees,
Fascism is the disease

Yes, what friend Goebbels accuses
Bogeyman Stalin of now,
Are the German actions
Disguised in Russian verses

Instead of Chorus:
And we all see with laughter
How the Nazis rage,
For the Bolshevik fairy tale
Of the past no longer works.

Post-Editing: Ernst Sittig, Sylvia Stawski