06-03-1944, 2nd volume, no. 23, Page 4
06-03-1944, 2nd volume, no. 23, Page 5
06-03-1944, 2nd volume, no. 23, Page 6
06-03-1944, 2nd volume, no. 23, Page 7

cover / introduction table of contents

The Leader

Thursday, May 11, 1944
The Leader is 50 years old.
Today, we commemorate the 50th birthday of Mussert, who emerged from our midst to ascend to leadership in the time of the bitterest direst need. He implored the Dutch people to be spiritually awake and militarily vigilant, when “leader” Colijn encouraged them to go to sleep without worries. He led the people to resist Jewish-plutocratic margarine swindlers and robbers of honor, while the “leaders” of the National Party protected their friends from Oss.

We read: “Without this man,
The Netherlands has no future anymore,” 1)
For Joseph Stalin’s evil plan,
The hellish Bolshevik doctrine

Will surely bankrupt the Netherlands
And the parties are cooperate,
The future is very unhealthy,
Only the NSB will bring salvation.

With Slotemaker or de Geer,
Or Albarda, or Henk Colijn,
The Netherlands is down and will remain down,
They will not be the saviors.

We have the guaranteed remedy,
The elixir from our Ton,
That is the best you can have,
It brings new prosperity, a new sun.

And if it is not used,
Then we are sorry for the Netherlands,
Because in that case Holland will soon be in trouble,
They exterminate the Dutch.

Just as Dingane was once done in by Retief
And his followers were killed,
There is only one alternative,
Yes, only when the Netherlands awakes

And realizes: the Leader or the Red Czar,
“Mussert or Moscow” is the slogan,
Then we will pull off the rescue,
Long live the Leader! is the slogan.

But the Netherlands did not really like
The elixir out from Leader Ton
And the election brought a blow,
Which he could hardly bear.

But Anton had great luck,
A good time arrived for him,
Through support from the Krauts
Mussert got the opportunity

To provide what he wants and can do,
The future, which he promised,
His splendid economic plan,
Sprung from his leader’s mind,

The time of prosperity and strength,
It is a curious thing,
He did not bring the rescue,
But he did bring disaster.

Yes, the Netherlands knows all about it,
And rose up against Mussert,
And people sigh: under this man
The Netherlands has no future anymore.

But times will come, times will go,
That is an old lesson of life,
And soon Mussert will vanish to the moon,
For his remedy proved unsuccessful.

The NSB members are out of luck,
Events turned around,
For soon Anton Mussert will be gone,
And the Netherlands’ future will return.

* Old N.S.B. election poster of the NSB.

Post-Editing: Benno Groeneveld