07-15-1944, 2nd volume, no. 31, Page 12
07-15-1944, 2nd volume, no. 31, Page 13
07-15-1944, 2nd volume, no. 31, Page 14

cover / introduction table of contents

Von Rundstedt Resigns

Von Rundstedt Succeeded by von Kluge.
In the Führer‘s headquarters, it is announced: Due to health reasons, General Field Marshal von Rundstedt in the Western High Command has been succeeded by General Field Marshal von Kluge. The Führer has expressed his sincere thanks in a personally written letter to Field Marshal von Rundstedt, who has distinguished himself greatly in the most challenging situations, and has indicated the intention to utilize his services for special assignments. General Field Marshal von Rundstedt, who turns 69 years old this year, assumed command of the Southern Army Group as a Colonel General at the beginning of the war. With this command, he defeated the main Polish army in a ten-day encirclement battle at Szura and crowned the Polish campaign with the conquest of Warsaw. During the campaign against France, he commanded Army Group A. His troops broke through the strong enemy positions along the Meuse on May 30, 1940, shortly thereafter through the extended Maginot Line to the northwest, and on July 9, through the positions of the Weygand zone, clearing the way for the German armored formations to deliver a devastating blow to the main fortifications of the Maginot Line from the rear. Over the course of the war, General Field Marshal von Rundstedt, who had been promoted to General Field Marshal by the Führer in the memorable session of the Reichstag on July 19, 1940, was appointed as the Supreme Commander in the West. In restless years of work, he played a leading role in creating the conditions for the defense against the invasion at this responsible post. – 7-7-44

Van Rundstedt resigned,
Did he suddenly fell so ill,
Or is he discontent
With Adolf’s tactics?

The best is, I’ll go home,
He said, back soon indeed,
I‘m already sixty-nine,
Yet something’s not as it should be

As the German leadership
Announces his departure,
He received a decoration,
And was retired.

Oak leaves for Dollmann and von Rundstedt
The Führer has awarded the oak leaves to the Knight‘s Cross of the Iron Cross posthumously to the commander of the Seventh Army, Generaloberst Friedrich Dollmann, and to the Commander-in-Chief West, Generalfeldmarschall von Rundstedt. – 3-7-44

Could he not comfort himself
Perhaps with the harsh fact,
That Adolf in the East
Lacks sufficient troops?

And could he not miss them
On the Invasion Front?
We can only guess,
Speculate and – keep our mouths shut.

I read that to von Kluge
They gave Rundstedt’s position,
Does he have more knowledge of this?
We’ll just have to wait and listen.

Once they heard them say:
No change in the winning team!
From this perspective, I find,
The situation almost grand.

Even laypeople see now,
In the West it’s going wrong,
His departure is a sign,
Greater Germany breaks down.

Post-Editing: Guido de Boer, Charlotte Mendelaar