07-22-1944, 2nd volume, no. 32, Page 10
07-22-1944, 2nd volume, no. 32, Page 11
07-22-1944, 2nd volume, no. 32, Page 12

cover / introduction table of contents

Seyss-Inquart’s has a Birthday (22-7-44)

The British are advancing steadily.
The Krauts are falling behind,
And he is no longer in The Hague,
He is in Gelderland.

And he turns fifty-two now,
And is an evacuee,
His house of cards collapses,
Things didn’t go very well for him,

Friend Seyss’ celebrates his birthday in the Netherlands
For the fifth time already,
But when I look at the state of the war,
There won’t be a sixth time.

His current birthday is
Without entertainment for him,
Because he knows for sure and knows for certain,
He won’t be here much longer.

Mr. Ritterbusch presses Seyss’ paw
And says: All the best,
And thinks: We will surely die soon,
Things aren’t looking good.

Antoon Mussert also expresses his wishes,
And is not cheerful,
He would to walk across the border
And hide there.

Yes, everyone who congratulates,
Be it Kraut or NSB,
Feels clearly that things are going wrong
For Heil and .

It will be a tough task for him,
And that weighs on their minds,
And so, Seyss’ birthday party
Looks almost looks like a funeral feast.

Post-Editing: Robert Saunders