07-29-1944, 2nd volume, no. 33, Page 8
07-29-1944, 2nd volume, no. 33, Page 9

cover / introduction table of contents

France Wakes Up

Marcel Déat, Minister of Labor, recently rejected the famous neutral stance that France is eager to retreat to. A man like Henriot traveled to Goebbels and von Ribbentrop to strengthen the Franco-German collaboration and thus lay the foundation for a merger of old adversaries in a reunited Europe. – Volk en Vaderland 16-6-44

Paris wakes up.
The French Minister of Information, Philippe Henriot, was murdered in the night from Tuesday on to Wednesday in Paris. It is reported that 15 individuals disguised as militia members gained access to the ministry, where they entered Henriot‘s bedroom and killed him. Laval paid tribute to Henriot on the radio yesterday. Henriot was 55 years old and had been a minister since January ‘44. – 29-6-44

German Propaganda
In France is tough now,
For Goebbels’ young man there,
Philippe, is no more.

The “Intelligence”minister
Philippe Henriot,
He’s been shot dead,
And all of Paris is glad.

At night in his bed,
The revenge’s ray struck him,
They are crying hard
Messrs Göbbels and Laval.

And the fascist clan,
They wail and howl,
Feeling that like Philippe
Death will also come to them.

Trembling and quivering
Déat and Jaques Doriot,
They sense their end,
A death like Henriot’s.

Every traitor suspects it
And has a clear picture,
Sooner or later,
He will surely be killed.

Those who betrayed France
Will face the court’s judgement
For their misdeeds
Won‘t be forgotten.

France slept late
And is finally wakes,
And it will punish everyone,
Who was disloyal.

Post-Editing: Marloes Abeling, Benno Groeneveld