08-23-1944, 2nd volume, no. 39, Page 7
08-23-1944, 2nd volume, no. 39, Page 8
08-23-1944, 2nd volume, no. 39, Page 9

cover / introduction table of contents

There’s Something Amiss

The more I read about the assassination,
The less seems to add up,
I suspect, the Nazis
Present lies.

One says this, another that,
Contradicting each other,
But how it all fits together,
Is, I think, kept under cover.

The Führer himself has told
About the night of the 20th of July,
And he was greatly disturbed:
What does Stauffenberg want?

A bomb laid this scumbag down,
To slay me,
Two meters away from me, no more,
To be sure to hit.

The bomb placed by Colonel Count von Stauffenberg exploded two meters away from my right side. – 21-7-44

Two days later, friend Ley knew:
The bomb, it came from London,
And it was so big and heavy,
It weighed almost a thousand pounds,

Yes, it was of the heaviest type,
They wanted to hit the Führer.
The Brit planned this murder,
That we must understand.

Heavy English mine
Reichsorganisationsleiter Dr. Ley announced in a large meeting that for the assassination attempt, a mine of the heaviest type was used, which came from England. – 24-7-44

And this huge, huge bomb,
According to Goebbels‘ words,
– We were left speechless with surprise,
When we heard the reading –

In an ordinary briefcase,
Not even in a suitcase,
And although that was the intention,
Adolf was not the victim.

Even though the briefcase was placed,
Right in front of Adolf‘s feet,
Stauffenberg didn‘t enjoy it,
And had to pay heavily.

The perpetrator of the attack was sent by one of the arrested generals with a false pretext to the daily situation briefing. He took the explosive in a briefcase into the meeting room and, under the pretense of wanting to put it down in an unguarded moment, pushed it directly in front of the Führer‘s feet. – 27-7-44

When one observes all of this,
What they spoke about,
Then one has to come to the conclusion:
It does or doesn’t match.

Whether Adolf, Göbbels, or Ley speaks,
In this case, the truth,
I don’t get it,
And I can‘t find clarity.

What is fiction? What is fact?
And who wants to deceive here?
It will probably be the same as always,
That all three are lying again.

Post-Editing: Ernst Sittig, Sylvia Stawski