Finally, Dr. Goebbels outlined the stages of German foreign policy, all of which are elements of peace. Hitler’s policy is a policy of freedom, honor, and peace. A defenseless Germany was a provocation for war; this provocation no longer exists. Dr. Goebbels concluded his speech with the statement: “A nation of 75 million will step forward on April 10th. Our war cry will be: One nation – one empire – one leader.” – 23-3-1938
And Göbbels spoke: Germany should to arms,
That would guarantee peace,
If one be well armed,
You would feel as safe as never before.
Then no opponent would dare
And ever attack,
But as things were,
It could happen any time.
In its infancy was,
The German Reichswehr, our army,
Anyone could harm us,
It‘s a miracle that not someone
In some foreign country
Had the impudence to attack us,
‘t was a sin and a disgrace,
How the German defense was weakened
And kept to the ground,
But then came Hitler, thank God,
And now, thanks to his wise governance,
We must fear no longer.
When our army was down,
There was a great risk of war,
But now, beloved German brothers,
I hope it‘s clear to all of us,
We are a nation in defense and in arms,
A nation in arms and in defense ,
Thanks to our great Führer‘s creation,
The risk of war no longer exists.
East, west, north, south,
A different wind blows nowadays,
We no longer fear for peace,
Because we are so well armed.
The danger of war is now averted,
Peace is no longer threatened,
Safety was born to us,
Indeed, there is no distress …
This Göbbels spoke so beautifully,
But within shortly it showed:
The German peace is shattered,
Because … Hitler himself broke the peace.
Post-Editing: Kurt Gerhard Funke
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