11-11-1944, 2nd volume, no. 54, Page 10
11-11-1944, 2nd volume, no. 54, Page 11

cover / introduction table of contents

Reprimand for Eisenhower

The Russians stand in Kirkenes,
That is definitely a great success
And we may rejoice,
Norway‘s border has been reached
And Hitler‘s power has been severely crushed,
I find that to be a blessing.

In Hungary, things are going well,
It won’t be long and Budapest
Will yield to the Russians.
Fierce battles rage in East Prussia,
The red troops are advancing,
The Nazis are becoming corpses.

Kirkenes in Norway occupied by Soviets. – 26-10-44

Only here in the west, it’s quiet,
Yes, Eisenhower, dear lad,
I am very dissatisfied!
You hesitate, you complain, you wait too long,
In the Netherlands, the suffering continues
And people are in need.

And you seem to have no care for anything,
You conduct the fight at your leisure,
Nothing disturbs you.
You calmly go your way,
It takes too long, it takes too long,
Too much has already been lost.

We suffer here, but our sorrow,
That doesn’t bother or affect you apparently
And you couldn’t care less
Sometimes you do send the RAF,
But if I understand everything correctly,
What use are those bombs to me?

Send your soldiers here instead,
That would bring us more pleasure
Than the chatter from London.
We’ve heard the words,
Now put actions to words,
What are we associated for?

Indeed, it‘s a definite fact
It‘s high time,
That you finally came.
The Russians stand in Kirkenes,
The SS stands still here with us,
You should be ashamed of yourself!

Post-Editing: Marloes Abeling