11-11-1944, 2nd volume, no. 54, Page 9
11-11-1944, 2nd volume, no. 54, Page 10

cover / introduction table of contents


Today we lie as if in coffins,
In coffins, that are meant to save us,
In coffins, that hide us,
So we lie in our tunnels.

Thus we lie in our ditches,
And hope they won’t find us
Because otherwise they’d kill us
For Adolf hates us like sin.

No, Adolf Hitler loves the bad,
He loves sin and the gruesome,
And willingly makes his people servants
Of his wild delusions of madness.

And rampages through all countries,
And has become the curse to the world.
The German people became a gang of robbers,
The Germans are as hordes of Huns

Hated and decried all over the world,
As a people of cruelty and suppression
Who has lent himself to the devil,
He is damned, his fate is exile.

So we lie in our pits
And hope to see the light soon,
And feel, after the fall of the boys
A new resurrection blooms for us.

Post-Editing: Marloes Abeling