12-12-1944, 2nd volume, no. 58, Page 2
12-12-1944, 2nd volume, no. 58, Page 3

cover / introduction

The Difference

In this light, we should understand that a possible appeal to our labor to contribute to strengthening the defense lines does not signify an inhumane violation of sacred rights, but rather a final opportunity for the Dutch to contribute their own effort to the defense of our territory against the all-destructive enemy. The military authority at least sees the situation in this way and derives from this understanding the right to involve the Dutch in defense work, without forcing them to take up arms, as Eisenhower does in the areas he occupies. A temporary labor contribution, that is the only thing demanded from our people in a moment when the life and future of the Netherlands are being decided. – 7-11-44

The Netherlands are furious and angry,
That Dutch men are now
Made to work in Germany,
People, don’t conspire

Mr. Driekruis calls to us
Because it could be much worse,
If as leader in our place were to come
This Eisenhower, puh!

Yes, then you could really see something,
Because then it wouldn’t just be work,
Bet a thousand to ten
That the army would have to be strengthened.

With weapons in hand
The Dutchman should fight
Driekruis calls it almost striking,
That the Krauts are so modest

Not to ask the Dutch
For military service as well,
And because that’s not happening
And they only catch the men

To dig and toil a bit
Over there in Mofrika,
The Krauts are by no means
As bad as these Brits.

So let us be content
With the kindness of the Krauts,
Friend, how we have a good time,
How lucky we are

Driekruis, say, you’re talking nicely
Shall we believe
In your Krauts’ incense scent
The Netherlands won’t be numbed

And won‘t dig its own grave
It will fight alongside the Brits
And that fight is for our benefit,
Because the Brit will come to liberate us.

Post-Editing: Sylvia Stawski, Ernst Sittig