12-31-1944, 2nd volume, no. 61, Page 2
12-31-1944, 2nd volume, no. 61, Page 3

cover / introduction


Spit out from the Earth
And ostracized and lost
Always condemned to keep moving
We seem born to wanderWithout a solid refuge,
Always chased and always driven away,
Once here and once there,
And no place has remained for us.

And so Ahasverus must immediately
Tie up his bundle again,
And I ask: Where will fate take you,
Where will fate take me?

Will someone open a door for us,
Willing to give us asylum,
Because we want to keep on living,
Even if we don‘t know why

Is this life truly worth it
Is it such a wonderful thing,
That we should make the effort
And have such worries burden us?

Let it go as it goes,
Let only come what may,
Let it roll as it rolls,
Happy is the one who understands

That at the end of this time,
That at the end of these troubles,
One day a new morning will dawn,
Without pain and without suffering.

Supported by a lucky star,
Let us go our separate ways,
Hoping that not too long from now
A joyful reunion beckons.

Post-Editing: Eleonore A. Speckens