02-26-1944, 2nd volume, no. 9, Page 10
02-26-1944, 2nd volume, no. 9, Page 11
02-26-1944, 2nd volume, no. 9, Page 12
02-26-1944, 2nd volume, no. 9, Page 13
02-26-1944, 2nd volume, no. 9, Page 14

cover / introduction table of contents

Nazi Jokes

A soundproof cell for jokers.
The highlight of the Carnival celebration in Munich, as always, was a long procession where, here and there, gentle mockery was made of political figures and situations. – A guaranteed soundproof cell, which, according to the people of Munich, should be placed throughout Germany to allow political joke-tellers the opportunity to freely air their hearts. – 2-3-1938

They don‘t pay him many compliments,
Love is not far away,
If mockery could kill,
There would be no Führer anymore.

And also the Führer‘s paladins,
They would have been long dead,
And Michel with a cheerful expression
Would peacefully eat his sandwich today.

Many jokes have been made,
But very discreetly,
Whispering behind the scenes,
So that no third party understands.

Because his swastika regime
Cannot tolerate a joke,
One must refrain from humor,
So jokes are only made very intimately

About Dr. Goebbels‘ big mouth,
About Göring‘s uniform obsession,
About Adolf Hitler‘s cunning,
About Rudolf Hess and his escape,

About Hitler‘s false prophecies,
Which will never come true,
About Goebbels‘ lying fantasies,
We smile with great amusement.

All these jokes are forbidden,
If you‘re caught, you‘ll be punished,
You‘ll suffer the same fate as many Communists,
In prison or concentration camp.

In the carnival of ‚38
In Munich, this was nicely satirized,
Today I found the evidence for it,
And quickly put it together.

They showed a large cell,
If you tell a joke in it,
You are covered in any case,
Spared from going to jail.

The cell is acoustically secure,
The cell is acoustically tight,
Neither punchline nor laughter,
Will be heard by the community.

Now you don‘t need to torment yourself anymore,
You can joke in peace,
You can tell any joke,
Because one is completely among us.

The joke doesn‘t become a state crime,
When you chat in this cell,
You laugh about the Führer‘s weaknesses,
And there‘s no one listening in.

And you calmly make your jokes:
Malice prevails over self-interest,
And over Marshal Göring‘s epaulettes,
Because this cell offers protection. –

Meanwhile, six years have passed,
There is no carnival in Munich anymore,
And many tears have been shed,
Life has become quite difficult.

Yes, Munich has suffered heavily,
Like many other cities,
It received the visit of the British
And got thoroughly fed up with the war.

One no longer speaks of Göring‘s medals,
Of the idyllic Obersalzberg,
People have become bitter and serious,
And for now, they remain silent.

But the feelings have changed,
Everyone senses that something is brewing,
There‘s an atmosphere of thunderstorms,
You feel that wild hatred is growing.

Hitler senses it on the Führer‘s seat:
The wind has turned thoroughly.
He realizes that after the time of jokes,
The bloody seriousness begins for him.

Post-Editing: Ernst Sittig, Sylvia Stawski