02-03-1945, 3rd volume, no. 5, Page 10
02-03-1945, 3rd volume, no. 5, Page 11
02-03-1945, 3rd volume, no. 5, Page 12

cover / introduction table of contents

New Russian Offensive

Soviet Offensive in Poland.
After local combat operations broke out a few days ago at the Soviet bridgehead of Barmon on the Vistula, 200 km south of Warsaw, it is now reported that the Bolsheviks attacked on a broad front. The first columns were entirely destroyed by German fire. The second suffered heavy losses. The Soviets made some breakthroughs. The fighting continues. – 13-1-45

Further reports this morning mention an enormous struggle, in which the Soviets are deploying excellently equipped armies, apparently with the intention of forcing a decision. – 16-1-45

It’s as if the Russian Hydra
Grows new heads continually,
Adolf said, faithful and sincere,
To all Prussians, Bavarians, Saxons

Already in the autumn of forty-one
Russia has long been defeated,
Conquered and never
to rise again, the rhapsodists

From Goebbels’ chapel,
performed swastika chorals,
On every wave it sounded:
Praise the Führer, my soul

During just three years,
Happy and cheerful now
Many ships have sailed the Don,
Your army has dwindled mightily,

Most of the territories
That you previously conquered
With the German elite army
Are today lost.

Only shabby remnants remain,
Holland, Norway, half of Poland,
And the first enemy, with ease,
Will snatch them away in the next assault.

A Russian offensive
Has now once again begun,
The perspective is grim,
And you look with fear and dread

Today towards your future,
After the time of the Hitler sun
Comes the thunderstorms,
And it fills me with delight.

Post-Editing: Robert Saunders