02-03-1945, 3rd volume, no. 5, Page 15
02-03-1945, 3rd volume, no. 5, Page 16
02-03-1945, 3rd volume, no. 5, Page 17
02-03-1945, 3rd volume, no. 5, Page 18

cover / introduction table of contents

Offensive of Offensives

This morning, it is reported that in the past five years of war, nothing can be compared to this Soviet-Russian winter offensive in terms of scope, coordination of attack fronts, and deployment of all available forces. It is now about more than just achieving a breakthrough with a specific strategic objective. The Soviets aim to demolish the entire defensive line and clear all paths to the heart of Europe. The German leadership does not rely on strong frontal defence but seeks the decision in the midst of movement, in places and at times of its own choosing. – 17-1-45

Millions stampede in Europe.
Warsaw and Radom abandoned. Significant territorial gains by the Red superior forces – Confidence in the German military leadership despite severe trials.
According to reports from the German military, as part of the defensive battle between the Vistula and the Narew, the German troops cleared the ruins of Warsaw as part of the overall operations. The evacuation took place before the Soviet troops reached the city. There was no fighting over Warsaw.
It is further reported that the great winter battle in the East continues to increase in scale and ferocity. The Soviets throw division after division into battle, deploying hundreds of tanks simultaneously, and the fighting is of an intensity never seen before. Losses in men and material seem to have no bearing for the Soviets. Millions of excellently equipped infantrymen launch one assault after another. The German high command, it is explained, cannot be so reckless, so it is natural that they follow the tactic of evasion and giving ground to prevent the German front from collapsing. If the Soviets manage to split the front and checkmate parts of the German defence forces, they could achieve their strategic goal of occupying Germany. All this shows that the battle is of world-historical significance. The fighting in the West is completely insignificant in comparison. The German army report from Wednesday states that in the Vistula River bend alone, 90 infantry divisions and 15 armored corps are thrown into battle by the Soviets on 3 out of 6 battlefields, 40 at the Narew, and 25 in East Prussia. Not less than 155 divisions, countless armored corps and an army of millions advance in unstoppable rows against Europe. This stampede of the Mongol hordes dates back to past centuries. Where will this stampede be stopped and broken? It is a question that concerns all of Europe.
For now, the harsh reality is that the Soviets have already made significant progress on the first day and continue to advance further west. Warsaw is already occupied, Krakow is directly threatened, Modlin had to be abandoned, Czestochowa, which was already occupied by the Bolsheviks, had to be abandoned by them later, Radom has been lost. It goes without saying that this resistance cannot be viewed optimistically. The German leadership is aware that many trials must be overcome. However, so far, they have managed to cope with every critical situation and there is confidence that it will be the case this time as well. – 18-1-45

After a long preparation
The Red Army leadership
Finally gave the signal to attack
Countless tank formations
On the move, for the Nazis
This could be the end

Stalin’s armies are coming
Warsaw has already been taken
Modlin, Radom are occupied
Adolf, Germany’s good shepherd,
Sees: The Russians advance further
There is no one to save him

There’s nothing better than moving backwards
I don’t know how many kilometers
They have been pushed back
Stalin’s troops, like Mongols
They storm and capture Poland
And move on to Berlin

In Wilhelmstrasse, one can see
Anxiously, this lightning-fast
Breakthrough action of the Russians
Stalin will not be stopped
From occupying Hitler’s Germany
Things are going wrong for the Nazis

Offensive of offensives
Brings doom to the Nazi thieves
Brings the decision in the battle
Brings peace back to the Earth
And paves the way to the
Shores of the new era.

Post-Editing: Robert Saunders