02-03-1945, 3rd volume, no. 5, Page 2
02-03-1945, 3rd volume, no. 5, Page 3
02-03-1945, 3rd volume, no. 5, Page 4

cover / introduction

Safety Under Seyss

If one were to believe enemy propaganda, the Dutch would be living under an indescribable pressure, they would be hunted and would avoid German soldiers in a wide arc. To assess this, look at those groups that are most unprotected, such as women, girls, and children! Are they afraid or do they suffer from German soldiers? Can women and girls in the Netherlands not ride their bicycles freely? – 11-1-45

As a trained demagogue
Seijss-Inquart delivers his speech
Speaking of false press releases,
Speaking of lies and rumors,
Spread by the enemies

And as TASS and Reuter said,
That people here live in great fear,
That they shiver and tremble
Due to German atrocities,

“Do they fear being loaded
Into trains like cattle?”
And the answer is, “Well, no!”

Seyss further asks: Is it true
That for many years now, people
– Hunted like wild animals
And filled with fear and terror –

Are never finding peace?!
Are bicycles being confiscated?
Are people being deported?
And do you consider me a scoundrel
Who only robs and cruelly murders
And disturbs the peace of the Netherlands?

Answer truthfully, is it true,
That as a Reich Commissioner
I have only brought misery,
Are you giving the German power,
Wherever possible, a wide berth

Are you instead of sitting of high and dry
Underground and under water?
Are you ready for a psychiatrist
And for the insane asylum,
Mentally completely shattered?

Has many an angry newspaper
Somewhere abroad
Told nothing but vile lies?

Don’t you see on every road
How women and girls
Take bike trips
Fearlessly and safe?
Aren’t their bicycles sacred to us?

And that is indeed proof,
So spoke the noble Seyss,
And one must almost agree,
Since the German troops arrived
Life became a pleasure,

But I have something to add.
Yes, I say it very clear,
Indeed, on the streets one sees
Only women and girls,
Because for the Dutch men
It is not to be trusted,
Countless have been exiled,
Countless imprisoned,
Countless shot dead.

Those who go out on the streets,
Risk their lives
And so the man remains at home
The safety from Seyss
Apparently, is questionable.

Post-Editing: Robert Saunders, Sylvia Stawski, Ernst Sittig