02-10-1945, 3rd volume, no. 6, Page 3
02-10-1945, 3rd volume, no. 6, Page 4

cover / introduction table of contents

On the Grand Piano of My Imagination

I am sitting trapped for years
Many things have gone wrong for me
And so at times I find
This life quite difficult.
And I think: Happiness in life
Will never come for me,
But when I play my strings
Then it’s not true anymore.

On the grand piano of my imagination
I embark on many peculiar journeys
Into the realm of poetry
And I play many tunes,
Yes, I play loud, I play soft,
Many beautiful melodies
On the magical grand piano of my imagination.

What I think, what I feel,
Is changed when I play
And the gloomy thoughts,
They fade away,
For my song stills my pain,
It brings peace to my heart,
It lifts the barriers of the dungeon,
Brings tranquility to the mind.

Chorus: On the grand piano, etc.

And so I play again and again
New tunes, new songs,
Yes, I play new sounds,
And play myself to rest,
And I sway in dreams,
Forgetting time and space,
Instantly overcoming
Prison’s narrowness and suffering.

Chorus: On the grand piano, etc.

Post-Editing: Sylvia Stawski, Ernst Sittig