02-12-1944, 2nd volume, no. 7, Page 14
02-12-1944, 2nd volume, no. 7, Page 15
02-12-1944, 2nd volume, no. 7, Page 16

cover / introduction table of contents

Solve the Riddle

Mrs. Ciano and Alfieri in Switzerland
Officially, it was announced in Bern that Mrs. Ciano-Mussolini illegally fled to Switzerland on Sunday, 9th January, at half-past six in the evening. Mrs. Ciano is currently interned and living with her three children under police supervision in strict isolation. On the night of 23rd to 24th October, Ambassador Dino Alfieri also illegally fled to Switzerland. His health required admission to a hospital. After his recovery, he will have to leave Switzerland again.
There is no enthusiasm for the presence of Mussolini’s daughter, with her children, in a spiritual institution somewhere in central Switzerland. Countess Ciano entered the country under a false name, claiming to be a member of a foreign dynasty.

Somewhere, sometime
Knocks a woman without a husband
On the door.
Man shot
By comrades
Of Mr. Hitler
The intermediary
Between death and life
And her husband, was just him
A little uncomfortable
And there is no problem.
Only demanded:
To the dead!
Woman wishes much:
Solve the riddle,
Who was it?
Say it piano!
Madame Ciano?
But please no,
Who else could it be?
Think, for heaven’s sake,
Who was the victim of Planetta
And was widowed by Adolfus?
Widow … Bolte? No, Mrs. Dollfus.
Who gave her a place
So she could live quietly
Undisturbed by the evil enemy
Yes, it‘s true, his great friend.

Somewhere, sometime
A woman without a husband
Knocks on.
Man shot
By comrades
Of Mr. Hitler
The intermediary
Between death and life
And her husband, was just him
A little uncomfortable
And there is no problem.
Only demanded:
To the dead!
Woman wishes much:
Solve the riddle,
Who was it?
Who takes a journey?
Say it very quietly
Well … who could it be?
Duce‘s little daughter.
If one reads the reports today,
It was necessary for her to flee.
He who once was Mrs. Dollfus’ savior
Is now is almost like Planetta himself
If the Nazis demanded it
He would have to kill the daughter
And so the daughter seeks today
Safety from her father.

Post-Editing: Robert Saunders