11-20-1943, 1st volume, no. 14, Page 5
11-20-1943, 1st volume, no. 14, Page 6

cover / introduction table of contents

“Dangle Day”

So much is spoken of the “Day of Axe”,
The day of strict punishment,
On which traitors, Krauts’ servants
Are punished without mercy.

And impatiently, one awaits
The day when these “heroes”
Are made to pay their heavy debt
And retalliate all the evil.

However, I wondered,
Is such a “Day of Axe” necessary?
And I found for me quite reasonable
A better method.

I may be a little too humane,
Cannot bear to see or smell blood,
And if possible, I would
Not gladly use the axe.

So reasonable, I thought out
A huminazed punishment,
A punishment without blood but full of strength,
Deterrent and instructive.

We will, after the war ended,
Catch all the fascists,
And then, lightly and freely,
Hang them from the trees.

The “Day of Dangling”
We will call that day,
They “dangle”, and we are delighted,
Why should we hide it?

The day of justice, the day of punishment,
The day of our dreams,
The traitors dangle
From the trees of the forests.

Everyone shows a joyful smile,
Everyone is satisfied,
Instead of “Axe” we call it “Dangle Day”,
The bloodbath is avoided.

Unfortunately, the plan doesn’t work,
The reckoning won’t come off well,
For there is a lack of one colossal rope,
The rope for all those nooses.

Post-Editing: Kurt Gerhard Funke