09-30-1944, 2nd volume, no. 48, Page 4
09-30-1944, 2nd volume, no. 48, Page 5
09-30-1944, 2nd volume, no. 48, Page 6

cover / introduction table of contents

The Believers

The commander of the burning fortress Brest stated in a telegram: „My Führer, repeated demands for surrender have been rejected. The battle has reached its climax. Due to the vast superiority of the enemy, the fortifications were destroyed. The remaining garrison fights on the ruins of the city, loyal to the oath to the flag to the utmost“. – 16-9

Today a different picture is shown
Than what the Nazis promised you,
The dream of the future is unfulfilled,
Instead, today you see at Aachen,

The old German imperial city,
The German border crossed,
And seemingly you haven‘t had enough
And haven‘t suffered enough yet.

Still, the delusion of Hitler
And the enthusiasm is not dampened,
And if reason doesn‘t break through,
We see you eagerly continue to fight,

In north and south, east and west,
You jump into the breach for Hitler,
You fight at Warsaw and at Brest,
Wash Hitler‘s laundry on the Siegfried line

Completely senseless, without purpose
Yet you keep washing, steadfast, defiant,
And you don‘t realize: the Nazi dirt
Is way too filthy and dirty.

You crawl before Hitler on your belly
And let yourselves willingly be killed for him
And until the last breath
You see him as the empire‘s prophet.

The inflated rubber man
Starts to shrink laughably,
But you‘re still under his spell
From long-gone triumphs,

Which, when looked at closely,
Really were no miracles,
How ridiculous sounds today the song:
“Wir wollen gegen England fahren!”

How ridiculous sounds today the saying:
“Greater Germany wins on all fronts”,
For today one sees clear enough,
That the Nazis just couldn‘t do it.

And yet you‘re ready,
To continue dying for them,
You‘re bound today by a madness oath
And you willingly march to ruin

For the one who was always disloyal
And never kept a promise,
The truth will never become clear to you,
You let him devoutly continue to reign.

To you, everything seems the same,
Even if the hour mercilessly strikes twelve,
Yet you believe that the Third Reich
And Hitler will still be helped by a miracle.

Editing: The Believers

The commander of the burning fortress Brest stated in a telegram: „My Führer, repeated demands for surrender have been rejected. The battle has reached its climax. Due to the vast superiority of the enemy, the fortifications were destroyed. The remaining garrison fights on the ruins of the city, loyal to the oath to the flag to the utmost“. - 16-9-

Today a different picture is shown
Than what the Nazis promised you,
The dream of the future is unfulfilled,
Instead, today you see at Aachen,

The old German imperial city,
The German border crossed,
And seemingly you haven‘t had enough
And haven‘t suffered enough yet.

Still, the delusion of Hitler
And the enthusiasm is not dampened,
And if reason doesn‘t break through,
We see you eagerly continue to fight,

In north and south, east and west,
You jump into the breach for Hitler,
You fight at Warsaw and at Brest,
Wash Hitler‘s laundry on the Siegfried line

Completely senseless, without purpose
Yet you keep washing, steadfast, defiant,
And you don‘t realize: the Nazi dirt
Is way too filthy and dirty.

You crawl before Hitler on your belly
And let yourselves willingly be killed for him
And until the last breath
You see him as the empire‘s prophet.

The inflated rubber man
Starts to shrink laughably,
But you‘re still under his spell
From long-gone triumphs,

Which, when looked at closely,
Really were no miracles,
How ridiculous sounds today the song:
“Wir wollen gegen England fahren!”

How ridiculous sounds today the saying:
“Greater Germany wins on all fronts”,
For today one sees clear enough,
That the Nazis just couldn‘t do it.

And yet you‘re ready,
To continue dying for them,
You‘re bound today by a madness oath
And you willingly march to ruin

For the one who was always disloyal
And never kept a promise,
The truth will never become clear to you,
You let him devoutly continue to reign.

To you, everything seems the same,
Even if the hour mercilessly strikes twelve,
Yet you believe that the Third Reich
And Hitler will still be helped by a miracle.

Nannie Braunstein-Beekman