10-07-1944, 2nd volume, no. 49, Page 14
10-07-1944, 2nd volume, no. 49, Page 15

cover / introduction table of contents

The New German National Anthem

Everyone sees the reign of Hitler
running towards the end now,
And only very deluded fools
Don‘t think it‘s over yet

And they think and believe
In a new German chance,
Thinking, Hitler overcame
This last dance of death.

But most see the Nazis
Are defeated and totally exhausted,
And whoever follows them is a fool
Or maybe a … bullhead.

But in Germany, they have concerns
About what‘s about to happen,
And they ask: What will we sing tomorrow
Instead of the Horst Wessel Song?

And they ponder: Nothing but deprivation,
All prosperity is lost,
„Germany, Germany above all“
Wasn‘t well received today,

And it would definitely not fit
After twelve years of Hitler‘s time,
Nothing but poverty, nothing but troubles,
Germany embarrassed

Wishes for a national song to sing
New in lyrics and new in tune,
Because after the big shots left,
That becomes a major demand.

And I started to think it over,
What would be the best,
And I would almost want to say,
Without fun and without jokes,

Once Hitler is defeated,
And a new spirit is desired,
Why not sing from now on
„We’ve been in Paris!“?

Post-Editing: Nannie Braunstein-Beekman