07-15-1944, 2nd volume, no. 31, Page 8
07-15-1944, 2nd volume, no. 31, Page 9
07-15-1944, 2nd volume, no. 31, Page 10
07-15-1944, 2nd volume, no. 31, Page 11

cover / introduction table of contents

Obituary for Dietl

German supreme commander in Finland killed.
His heroic struggle at Narvik.
From the Headquarters of the Führer. July 1st. (D.N.B.). Generaloberst Dietl was killed in an airplane accident on June 23, 1944.
In a day order from the Führer on the occasion of the death of Generaloberst Dietl, among other things is stated: „As an excellent soldier in the battle for the national socialist Greater German Reich, Generaloberst Dietl distinguished himself particularly in the battles for Norway and Finland, leading his men from one victory to another. His unforgettable struggle for Narvik against the enemy‘s strongest superiority and under the harshest conditions will remain in memory. On June 19, 1940, he was awarded the oak leaves with the knight‘s cross of the Iron Cross, the first soldier of the German armed forces to receive this honor. His name will live on in his proud mountain army and will also be connected with that of the brave Finnish allies. He will be regarded as a symbol of this comradeship in arms. In recognition of his constant heroic actions, I award Generaloberst Dietl the oak leaves with swords to the knight‘s cross of the Iron Cross.“ In an official state ceremony attended not only by the Führer but also by General Field Marshal Keitel as head of the Supreme Command of the Armed Forces, the Reich Minister of Foreign Affairs von Ribbentrop, Grand Admiral Dönitz, the Reichsführer-SS Himmler, General Field Marshal Milch, as well as numerous Reich Ministers, Reich Leaders, district leaders, generals of the army, the air force and the Waffen-SS, admirals of the navy, and military attaches from allied and friendly nations, alongside other representatives from the armed forces, party, and state, the German nation bid farewell to Generaloberst Dietl, who was suddenly taken from life by a cruel fate on Saturday afternoon.

The Führer‘s Address.
The Führer delivered a final farewell to Dietl in this solemn commemoration using heartfelt words. The Führer said, among other things: „He is for me the first officer of the German armed forces who entered my world of thoughts and expressed himself for it without compromise. My personal friendship towards him makes it particularly painful for me to remember him. When I now bid farewell to this friend, it is therefore with the bitterest feelings of a deeply affected man, on the other hand, however, with the unyielding fanaticism that even this sacrifice on the altar of the homeland is only a new obligation for all of us.“ – July 3rd, 1944

Of what use is his fine title now?
The hero of Narvik is no more,
In Finland, his friend Dietl has died
And Adolf Hitler is pained by this.

For Dietl was a loyal Nazi
And stood by him through thick and thin,
The most challenging tasks, he mastered them
With quite a lot of skill.

He battled on in the far North,
Received the first Knight’s Cross,
And became a commander
Due to his extraordinary sharpness.

Dietl spoke in front of the commanders’ hall,
Not too long ago,
The Nazi bigwigs all listened,
Temporarily relieved of their fear.

In their desperation, the bigwigs
Eagerly lent him their ear:
“I believe in Adolf, Germany’s Führer,
Today more than ever before.

I believe in the German strength,
I believe in the the German victory,
I know, I feel, and I realize,
The Third Reich will win the war.”

The loyal Dietl’s lips echoed
Of faith in the lucky star,
And those who had long lost hope
Were pleased to hear such words.

They provided comfort in the darkest hour,
Dietl was such an optimist,
And the wound is incurable
That Dietl has now met with an accident.

Yes, Dietl was a Nazi officer
From head to toe,
The Führer himself and Marshal Keitel
Are very indebted to him for that.

So they gave him a farewell escort,
Which is only just and equitable,
Himmler, Ribbentrop, and Milch were also present
At the burial ceremony.

Dönitz had to come as well,
The whole gang was complete,
And they bid him farewell,
Dietl’s funeral was very nice.

The Führer, almost broken with grief,
Bid farewell to his dear friend
And spoke quite beautifully,
I believe he even shed tears.

The one who once emerged from a painter’s smock
And now steers your destiny,
Has posthumously bestowed upon poor Dietl
The Oak Leaves with Swords,

And said that he found it terribly sad
That Dietl is no longer alive,
And at the future victory parade,
He will only hover in your minds.

And when I read Adolf’s words, I shake
My head and simply say:
Germany is like Dietl,
It believes and will lose its life.

Post-Editing: Ernst Sittig, Sylvia Stawski